What Happens When You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer? Personal injury lawyers represent people whose lives are disrupted by car accidents or medical mishaps, as well as workplace injuries. They help them recover the financial compensation they deserve for their damages and losses. To determine the value of your case Attorneys will request documents, including police or accident reports, medical bills and documents, school and employment information as well as any other relevant documents. Liability Analysis When a personal injury lawyer decides to take on a case, they start by determining the theory of liability. It depends on the accident nature and the circumstances. The three most commonly used theories of liability in personal injury cases are negligence and strict liability, as well as breach of warranty. The basis for negligence claims is a defendant's failure to act with the same degree of care and prudence an average person would have in similar circumstances. Examples of negligent acts include driving a vehicle impaired by drugs or alcohol recklessness, inability to use safety equipment and ignoring the need to keep roads in good condition. If the attorney believes the party at fault can be held accountable then they will begin negotiations for an agreement for financial settlement. This could include providing evidence to the insurance company such as medical documents, police reports and witness statements. They will also gather information about the injured party's future medical expenses, lost wages and other damages. In most cases, the insurance company will agree to a fair settlement. If not, he will prepare for trial and file a lawsuit against responsible party. He will also make sure that all evidence is prepared for court. They will also inform the client of any witnesses they intend to interview, and could engage an expert witness to explain certain aspects they are unable to describe themselves. Before a