Asbestos Litigation Paralegal Asbestos litigation paralegals help attorneys prosecute mesothelioma lawsuits against asbestos companies. These companies were responsible for the placement of asbestos that was dangerous in a variety of products. Many years pass between exposure to asbestos and the development of mesothelioma or other asbestos-related ailments. In 1988, Vogel worked on asbestos cases at Brobeck, the firm that represented defendants in various asbestos-related lawsuits. The firm had a special asbestos docket. Preparation for Trial A paralegal involved in asbestos litigation is a vital member of an attorney's team, helping in the pursuit of justice on behalf of those diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos diseases. A toxic tort paralegal is accountable for assisting attorneys in the preparation for trial. This requires extensive legal research, as well as the creation of numerous documents that will be submitted to the court by plaintiffs' and defendants' lawyers. A paralegal in asbestos litigation is accountable for the creation of legal documents, such as pleadings and motions, discovery requests, responses, and memos. The paralegal is also able to conduct computerized legal research, as well as technical, scientific and medical literature research to help support a client's case. They should also be able to determine and analyze the contents of documents such as corporate documents or medical records for their attorneys. Asbestos paralegals also draft demand packages, medical chronologies, and expense itemizations for mesothelioma cases. They are knowledgeable about the mesothelioma claim process and frequently interact directly with patients who are terminally sick and their families, which requires them to be aware of the circumstances. To prepare for a trial the attorney must utilize his or her legal research and medical knowledge to locate expert witnesses and prepare persuasive testimony. A paral