1. Prime Number "; echo"
Total num of prime num between ".$start." and". $end ."are:.$primecount"; } $start=1; $end=10; displayPrimesInRange($start,$end); ?> 2. Message passing Message Passing
Page 2 3. Calculator SImple CAlculator

Simple Calculator

First Number:

Second Number:

4. String Functions "; echo"string1 is:".$str1."
"; echo"string2 is:".$str2."

"; $len=strlen($str1); echo"the length of the str1 is:".$len; $word_count=str_word_count($str1); echo"
the total words of str1 is:".$word_count; $capitalize=ucwords($str1); echo"
the uppercase of ecah word is:\n".$capitalize; $upper=strtoupper($str1); echo"
the uppercase of string is :\n".$upper; $reverse=strrev($str1); echo"the reverse of string is:
".$reverse; $compare=strcmp($str1,$str2); echo"
the comparision of str1 and str2 is:".$compare; $repeate=str_repeat($str1,3); echo"
".$repeate; ?> 6. Time zone ="12" && $hour<="18:00") { echo"Good Afternoon"; } else if($hour>"18" && $hour<="21") { echo"Good Evenning"; } else if($hour>"21") { echo"Good night"; } ?> 5. Array Minimum number is:".min($arr); echo "
Maximum number is:".max($arr); sort($arr); echo "
The sorted Array is:"; foreach($arr aS $value) { echo $value.","; } rsort($arr); echo "
The Reverse sorted array is:"; foreach($arr as $value) { echo $value.","; } array_pop($arr); echo "
After pop the array is:"; foreach($arr as $value) { echo $value.","; } array_push($arr ,'50'); echo "
After push the array is:"; foreach($arr as $value) { echo $value.","; } ?> 7.GCD LCM GCD and LCM

GCD and LCM Calculator

GCD is:

LCM is:
8. Constructor a=10; $this->b=20; } function add() { $sum=$this->a+$this->b; echo "Addition of a and b is:".$sum; } function __destruct() { echo "
Destruct() function is called"; } function sub() { $sub=$this->a-$this->b; echo "
sub of a and b is:".$sub; } } $object1 = new ArithmaticOperation(); $object1->add(); $object1->sub(); unset($object1); ?>