Walking Pad - Get More Steps in With a Walking Pad Non Electric If you work at a desk, walking pads are a great way to increase your daily activity. They can help you strengthen different muscles, ease back pain, and even burn calories. Walking pads are best for walking and light jogging. They can not be used to run and are generally cheaper than a full-size treadmill. Getting Started Walking are basically under-desk treadmills designed to help you steadily increase your daily steps while you're working. In to traditional fitness treadmills, they're generally quieter and smaller. They can also be rolled up or folded in order to be tucked away under the desk when they're not in use and are a great option for individuals who can't go out for a walk during the day but want to achieve their daily goals for steps. The majority of models of walking pads are designed to be operated when you're standing. However, some do have side rails to offer more stability. One example is this model from Goplus that has side rails that fold down so that they don't protrude into your workspace. It's a nice feature and can make using the device feel less precarious when you're watching TV or focusing on your laptop or other work-related tasks. You can maximize the benefits of your walking pad simply by using it. You can walk at a steady pace to get used the equipment or incorporate some lateral movements to create a more challenging exercise. Bernadyn suggests that you can accomplish this by lowering your speed and occasionally rotating while walking. This will work your core, while improving your balance and flexibility. If you're just beginning, begin with shorter walks, and gradually increase the length based on your fitness level. You can also set your treadmill