Treadmill Desk Attachment A treadmill desk allows you to work while walking. It can be used to do homework, research, shopping, and more. Some treadmills have built-in shelves for your keyboard and monitor. Others require a separate storage shelf for your desk. Moving your body regularly is the most beneficial thing you can do to improve your health. If you are considering buying treadmill desks take note of the following suggestions. Quiet A treadmill desk is a piece of furniture that raises your computer monitor, keyboard and mouse. It's a great way to burn calories and do some exercise while you work. It's also quiet, so it won't disturb your coworkers or prevent you from completing your work. Desks like these are available online, but you can also build one yourself. The best ones are made from durable materials and have a slanted surface that raises your screen to eye-level. They typically have a mounting for your laptop and may include a built-in cupholder or Bluetooth section. Many people have a hard finding time to exercise in their busy schedules. While doctors recommend walking at least 10,000 steps a day, it's not always easy to reach this target. The treadmill desk is designed to address this issue by using a standing desk and the treadmill. You can get more exercise and improve your posture by using treadmills at work. You can expect to burn anywhere between 100 and 300 cals per hour, based on the treadmill you are using. Although this isn't enough to maintain an ideal weight, it can be helpful for people who are trying to shed weight. In addition to burning calories walking at a steady pace improves blood circulation and aids in helping your heart to become healthier. You will also feel more productive and energized at work. Treadmill desks are having a huge moment right now with influencers and celebrities like Victoria Beckham singing their praises. 's no