Why You Should Trust Window Doctors to Repair Your Double Glazed Windows Double glazing offers many advantages. It can improve the look of your home and also reduce noise pollution. However, as with any other item, double glazing isn't indestructible and there are a few faults that can occur. There are fortunately, a few problems which can be resolved by double glazing repair and save you the expense and hassle of replacing. Read on to learn more! Cost-effective The material of the window frame has a major impact on how well your double glazing performs. Aluminium, uPVC, and timber are all susceptible of shrinkage and growth based on temperatures outside. This can be detrimental with time. A good quality frame can last a long time, however, if it is damaged that causes the double glazing to become misty or leaky, which will affect the energy costs of your home. A repair done by an expert will resolve the issue and ensure that the frame stays in place, providing you with peace of mind and a guarantee that the job has been completed to a high standard. A gap between two panes can cause windows to become misty and drafty. This can be a sign of moisture in the air that can cause damp and mould in your home. It can also affect the insulation of your home and cause a rise in energy costs. This is something that an expert double glazing doctor can fix easily. In the course of a repair an expert will replace any damaged seals and install a new rubber gasket. This will improve the efficiency of your home and assist to reduce your energy bills. Additionally it will stop water from entering your home and will reduce the risk of condensation. A repair is less expensive than replacing the whole window which is the better option in the long run. If of a DIY fix, remember that it could take longer than an expert. This is because you'll need to find the right parts to complete the repair, and there's a higher risk