The Benefits of Electric Caddies A reliable golf caddy that is powered by electricity can take the physical strain of walking a course. The effortless assistance of a motorized golf caddy will help you concentrate more on your game and improve your play. Repeatedly lugging your bag can cause shoulder and back fatigue which can hinder your enjoyment of the game. A caddy that is powered by electricity is an ideal solution for golfers of all levels. Choosing the Right Caddy Golfers are always seeking ways to improve their game, and using an electric caddy can be a great way to do that. These carts are designed to take the strain off of lugging around heavy clubs, which allows golfers to save their energy to focus on other aspects of the game. A lot of electric caddies come with features that make them easier to use than manual carts. Before buying an electric caddy, golfers need to decide whether they want a remote controlled or non-remote controlled model. Remote-controlled caddies permit golfers to operate the caddy without having to physically touch it, and typically cost a bit more than non-remote models. Golfers can also pick between different types of batteries based on their needs. While cheaper caddies often come with lead-acid batteries, most models today are equipped with lithium batteries, which are more durable and last for longer. Another thing to take into consideration when choosing a caddy its weight capacity. The majority of models can carry up to 60 pounds, which is plenty for most golfers. It is important to consider the weight of the golf bag itself and any other equipment or accessories that can be loaded into the caddy. Carts with too much weight can travel slower and struggle to climb hills and run out of batteries more quickly than lighter carts. While some golfers might prefer a lightweight caddy to make it easier to use while others may prefer the heavier model that's designed to last. Choosing a caddy with high-qual