orsiflexion with Kirschner wire and widening the fascial pedicle appropriately, the top edge and LWR of the flaps will be decreased, and thus the procedures are helpful for the flaps survival. Fish oils were studied as ergogenic aids in a number of mixed physical trial designs showing promising results. However, the heterogeneous purity of the studied supplements, combined with the variety of physical tests employed call for more studies to confirm these findings, ideally with standardised supplements. Our aim was to test a supplement highly concentrated in DHA (DHAEPA ratio equal to approximately 81) on a maximal cycling test to elucidate performance improvements mainly due to DHA. A double-blind, placebo controlled, randomised balanced, parallel design, in competitive amateur cyclists was employed. They were all male, older than 18 years old, with training routine of 2 to 4 sessions per week lasting at least one hour each. A ramp cycling test to exhaustion with a subsequent 5 min recovery phase was employed before and after treatment to analyse aerobic metabolism and lactate clearance after the bout. After 30 days of supplementation with 975 mg of re-esterified DHA, the thirty-eight cyclist wtitive cyclists. It is unclear if these findings are the result of the specific DHA supplement blend or another factor. A strong correlation was previously found between mean platelet volume (MPV), red blood cell distribution width (RDW), and the severity of signs and symptoms in patients suffering from inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The current study evaluated these correlations in patients with Behçet's disease (BD) as well the relationship between MPV and RDW and disease activity score on the Iranian Behçet's Disease Dynamic Activity Measurement (IBDDAM). This cross-sectional study included 319 patients with BD for whom demographic and epidemiological data, IBDDAM scores, and duration of illness was recorded. Blood sa