out negatively affecting cow health and performance in early lactation. The use of alternative sources of protein to substitute for milk proteins in milk replacers (MR) can increase the synthesis of endogenous proteins and therefore alter ileal or total-tract digestibility calculations. Mucin is the main component of gastrointestinal mucus and represents the greatest contribution to total endogenous protein. Mucin is difficult to isolate and has not been extensively studied in dairy calves. We explored 3 different procedures to analyze and estimate mucin protein (MUP) in ileal digesta of young dairy calves. Ileal digesta samples were collected from nine 30-d-old ileal-cannulated calves that were enrolled in a 3 × 3 replicated Latin square with 5-d periods. The 3 diets were a control whey protein-based MR (WPC), an isonitrogenous MR in which 50% of the protein was from enzyme-treated soybean meal (ESBM), and an N-free MR (NFREE). Mucin protein concentration and flow were analyzed by fractionation of the digesta and ethanol precipitation; this process served as the reference methodp between both methods (adjusted R2 = 0.75). We found that the GLHL method enabled detecting differences in MUP ileal flows between diets differing in protein level and source. Inferences about MUP secretions must be done cautiously because many dietary and physiological factors are involved. The adoption of practical techniques to determine MUP can help to increase our knowledge about gastrointestinal tract function and to improve the accuracy of MR digestibility calculations. The objective of this review was to describe recent changes and expected developments in housing systems for dairy cows. These new developments should create an appropriate production environment for modern high-producing dairy cows and stimulate dairy farming-related developments in management, agro-technology, and equipment. Increased labor efficiency has been an imp