In Nf1 spines, MEKi increased bone volume (+194%, P<0.001) whereas ZA increased bone density (+10%, P<0.002) versus BMP-2 alone. Both MEKi and ZA decreased TRAP+cells in the fibrous tissue (MEKi-62%, P<0.01; ZA-43%, P=0.054). No adverse effects were seen with either MEKi or ZA treatment including weight loss or signs of illness or distress that led to premature euthanasia. These data not only support the utility of an AdCre-virus induced knockout spine model, but also support further investigation of MEKi and ZA as adjunctive therapies for improving BMP-2 induced spine fusion in the context of NF1. These data not only support the utility of an AdCre-virus induced knockout spine model, but also support further investigation of MEKi and ZA as adjunctive therapies for improving BMP-2 induced spine fusion in the context of NF1. Prescription opioids have been extensively to manage postoperative pain in children. A growing body of evidence from the adult literature, suggests however, that healthcare providers may be prescribing far more opioids than required, with some studies demonstrating equivalent post-operative pain and clinical outcomes with their omission. The objectives of this prospective study were to assess the current heterogeneity of practice in post-operative opioids prescription following day case hypospadias surgery, to establish a streamlined discharge protocol, and to reduce the use of post-operative opioid prescription by 30% within a 4 month period through the use of systemic forcing functions and education. This prospective study was approved by the Quality Improvement (QI) sub-committee of the hospital's Research and Ethics Board (REB) and was compliant with the Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE 2.0) guidelines. Recruited parents (n=84) were contacted for telephone interview folid prescriptions following hypospadias surgery is possible. We managed to achieve a relativ