Over the 6-year follow-up, 3596 individuals developed colorectal cancer. Estimated intention-to-treat and per-protocol hazard ratios were 1.00 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.87, 1.16) and 0.90 (95% CI 0.71, 1.12), respectively. As expected, adequate case-control sampling yielded the same estimates. By contrast, previous case-control analytical approaches yielded estimates that appeared strongly protective (odds ratio 0.57, 95% CI 0.36, 0.91, for ≥5 vs. <5 years of statin use). Our study demonstrates how to explicitly emulate a target trial using case-control data to reduce discrepancies between observational and randomized trial evidence. This approach may inform future case-control analyses for comparative effectiveness research. Our study demonstrates how to explicitly emulate a target trial using case-control data to reduce discrepancies between observational and randomized trial evidence. This approach may inform future case-control analyses for comparative effectiveness research. No study has evaluated the relationship between contrast dispersion patterns and outcomes after fluoroscopically guided cervical transforaminal epidural steroid injection (CTFESI). Determine whether contrast dispersion patterns predict pain and functional outcomes after CTFESI. Secondary analysis of data collected during two prospective studies of CTFESI for the treatment of refractory radicular pain. Contrast dispersion patterns visualized by true anteroposterior (AP) projections during CTFESIs were categorized by flow 1)completely external to the lateral border of the neuroforamen (zone 1); 2)within the neuroforamen but without entry into the lateral epidural space (zone 2); and 3)with extension into the lateral epidural space (zone 3). At baseline and at 1 month post-CTFESI, neck pain, arm pain, and "dominant index pain" (the greater of arm or neck pain) were evaluated using a numeric rating scale (NRS); physical function was asses