The Djallonké (West African Dwarf) sheep is a small-sized haired sheep resulting from a costly evolutionary process of natural adaptation to the harsh environment of West Africa including trypanosome challenge. However, genomic studies carried out in this sheep are scant. In this research, genomic data of 184 Djallonké sheep (and 12 Burkina-Sahel sheep as an outgroup) generated using medium-density SNP Chips were analyzed. Three different statistics (iHS, XP-EHH and nSL) were applied to identify candidate selection sweep regions spanning genes putatively associated with adaptation of sheep to the West African environment. A total of 207 candidate selection sweep regions were defined. Gene-annotation enrichment and functional annotation analyses allowed to identify three statistically significant functional clusters involving 12 candidate genes. Genes included in Functional Clusters associated to selection signatures were mainly related to metabolic response to stress, including regulation of oxidative and metabolic stress and thermotolerance. The bovine chromosomal areas carrying QTLs for cattle trypanotolerance were compared with the regions on which the orthologous functional candidate cattle genes were located. The importance of cattle BTA4 for trypanotolerant response might have been conserved between species. The current research provides new insights on the genomic basis for adaptation and highlights the importance of obtaining information from non-cosmopolite livestock populations managed in harsh environments.Colorectal cancer (CRC), the second leading cause of cancer mortality, constitutes a significant global health burden. An accurate, noninvasive detection method for CRC as complement to colonoscopy could improve the effectiveness of treatment. In the present study, SureSelectXT Methyl-Seq was performed on cancerous and normal colon tissues and CLDN1, INHBA and SLC30A10 were found as candidate meth