We construct a Lagrangian for general nonlinear electrodynamics that features electric and magnetic potentials on equal footing. In the language of this Lagrangian, discrete and continuous electric-magnetic duality symmetries can be straightforwardly imposed, leading to a simple formulation for theories with the SO(2) duality invariance. When specialized to the conformally invariant case, our construction provides a manifestly duality-symmetric formulation of the recently discovered ModMax theory. We briefly comment on a natural generalization of this approach to p-forms in 2p+2 dimensions.We report on the quantum electrodynamical analog of a Sagnac phase induced by the fast rotation of a neutral nanoparticle onto atomic waves propagating in its vicinity. The quantum vacuum Sagnac phase is a geometric Berry phase proportional to the angular velocity of rotation. The persistence of a noninertial effect into the inertial frame is also analogous to the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Here, a rotation confined to a restricted domain of space gives rise to an atomic phase even though the interferometer is at rest with respect to an inertial frame. By taking advantage of a plasmon resonance, we show that the magnitude of the induced phase can be close to the sensitivity limit of state of the art interferometers. The quantum vacuum Sagnac atomic phase is a geometric footprint of a dynamical Casimir-like effect.The ultrafast electron energy transport is investigated in laser-heated warm dense copper in a high flux regime (2.5±0.7×10^13  W/cm^2 absorbed). The dynamics of the electron temperature is retrieved from femtosecond time-resolved x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy near the Cu L3 edge. A characteristic time of ∼1  ps is observed for the increase in the average temperature in a 100 nm thick sample. Data are well reproduced by two-temperature hydrodynamic simulations, which support energy transport dominated by thermal c