Causes of Car Accidents Car accidents happen every day and can lead to serious injuries. They also impact the lives of those injured and their families. These injuries are caused by the transfer of kinetic energy through an impact. They include head injuries, whiplash and spinal cord trauma and limb injuries. Driver Errors Driver error is the leading reason behind nearly all car accidents in the United States, regardless of the vehicle. Drivers can avoid accidents by practicing safer driving and paying attention to road conditions. While most accidents result from human error However, other elements can cause them. These include the road surface, vehicle, and weather. There are a variety of driver errors that could cause crashes, including recognition and decision-making errors. These errors are a result of mistakes drivers make while driving which can hinder their ability to spot obstacles or change in conditions. For instance If a driver sees a car parked in front of them, but they fail to identify it as a potential danger before making an turn, they may make a mistake that could result in collision. Another common error is to go around a curve too quickly for the conditions. This can result in a rollover accident. Other errors can lead to crashes, for example, making false assumptions about the actions of other drivers and not adhering to road rules. Driver mistakes that are the most dangerous can result in an untimely crash or catastrophic accident. They can also cause serious injuries to other motorists as well as passengers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that driver error is the reason for 94 percent of accidents involving cars in America. The NHTSA divides these accidents into various categories, including recognition mistakes, decision error, and performance mistakes. Drunk driving Drowsy Driving is an extremely serious problem that can result in accidents. People who are tired beh