By contrast, when the retroviral particles were injected into the subventricular zone (SVZ), nearly all (98%) EGFP+ -cells were postmitotic when they reached the OB core, implying that the vast majority of proliferating cells present in the OB are not derived from the SVZ. Furthermore, we detected slowly dividing label-retaining cells in this region that could correspond to the population of resident NSCs. This is the first time NSCs located in the adult OB core have been shown to generate neurons that incorporate into OB circuits in vivo. To identify fathers' perceptions and experiences of caring for their children with congenital heart disease. A qualitative systematic review. PubMed, Clinical Key, the Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence-based practice database, CINAHL Complete, Embase and PsycINFO were searched for all journal articles published before May 2020. After applying the selection criteria, five studies were identified reporting on fathers with children between 1month and 12 years. The quality of the articles was evaluated. Six main themes regarding fathers' perceptions and experiences of caring for their children with congenital heart disease were identified (1) lack of disease knowledge, (2) responsibility to the family and emotional suppression, (3) gratitude for the sustained life of their children, (4) acceptance of being different from others, (5) regrouping and planning for the future and (6) the struggles of father-child relationships. In caring for their children with congenital heart disease, fathers are akin to a suffering warrior, full of hardship. With a self-imposed sense of responsibility and suppressed emotions, fathers may feel lonely and hurt, but they must fight for their families and children. In caring for their children with congenital heart disease, fathers are akin to a suffering warrior, full of hardship. With a self-imposed sense of responsibility and suppressed emotions, fathers may feel lonely and hurt, but they must fight for their families and children.Pycnodysostosis is characterized by short stature, osteosclerosis, acro-osteolysis, increased tendency of fractures, and distinctive dysmorphic features. It is a rare autosomal recessive disease caused by biallelic CTSK mutations. The clinical details of 18 patients from Saudi Arabia were reviewed. Short stature, osteopetrosis, acro-osteolysis, and distinctive facial dysmorphism were documented in all cases. Our results highlight the significant complications associated with this disease. The large anterior fontanelle is one of the cardinal signs of this disease; however, half of our patients had small fontanelles and a quarter had craniosynostosis, which caused optic nerve compression. Sleep apnea was of the major complications in three patients. Bone fracture can be a presenting symptom, and in our patients it mainly occurred after the age of 3 years. Bone marrow suppression was seen in a single patient of our cohort who was misdiagnosed initially with malignant osteopetrosis. In this study, we also describe two novel (c.5G > A [p.Trp2Ter], c.538G > A [p.Gly180Ser]) and two reported (c.244-29 A > G, c.830C > T [p.Ala277Val]) CTSK mutations. Our results indicate that the recurrent intronic variant, c.244-29 A > G is likely to be a founder mutation, as it was found in 78% (14/18 patients) of our cohort belonging to the same tribe.Controlling gene expression is an instrumental tool for biotechnology, as it enables the dissection of gene function, affording precise spatial-temporal resolution. To generate this control, binary transactivational systems have been used employing a modular activator consisting of a DNA binding domain(s) fused to activation domain(s). For fly genetics, many binary transactivational systems have been exploited in vivo; however, as the study of complex problems often requires multiple systems that can be used in parallel, there is a need to identify additional bipartite genetic systems. To expand this molecular genetic toolbox, we tested multiple bacterially derived binary transactivational systems in Drosophila melanogaster including the p-CymR operon from Pseudomonas putida, PipR operon from Streptomyces coelicolor, TtgR operon from Pseudomonas putida and the VanR operon from Caulobacter crescentus. Our work provides the first characterization of these systems in an animal model in vivo. For each system, we demonstrate robust tissue-specific spatial transactivation of reporter gene expression, enabling future studies to exploit these transactivational systems for molecular genetic studies.Recurrent event data frequently arise in longitudinal studies and observations on recurrent events could be terminated by a major failure event such as death. In many situations, there exist a large fraction of subjects without any recurrent events of interest. Among these subjects, some are unsusceptible to recurrent events, while others are susceptible but have no recurrent events being observed due to censoring. In this article, we propose a zero-inflated generalized joint frailty model and a sieve maximum likelihood approach to analyze zero-inflated recurrent events with a terminal event. The model provides a considerable flexibility in formulating the effects of covariates on both recurrent events and the terminal event by specifying various transformation functions. In addition, Bernstein polynomials are employed to approximate the unknown cumulative baseline hazard (intensity) function. The estimation procedure can be easily implemented and is computationally fast. Extensive simulation studies are conducted and demonstrate that our proposed method works well for practical situations. Finally, we apply the method to analyze myocardial infarction recurrences in the presence of death in a clinical trial with cardiovascular outcomes.Autologous cell vaccines use a patient's tumor cells to stimulate a broad antitumor response in vivo. This approach shows promise for treating hematologic cancers in early phase clinical trials, but overall safety and efficacy remain poorly described. We conducted a systematic review assessing the use of autologous cell vaccination in treating hematologic cancers. Primary outcomes of interest were safety and clinical response, with secondary outcomes including survival, relapse rate, correlative immune assays and health-quality related metrics. We performed a search of MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials including any interventional trial employing an autologous, whole cell product in any hematologic malignancy. Risk of bias was assessed using a modified Institute of Health Economics tool. Across 20 single arm studies, only 341 of 592 enrolled participants received one or more vaccinations. Primary reasons for not receiving vaccination included rapid disease progression/death and manufacturing challenges.