Want to improve your endurance? Cardio exercises are one of the best ways to shed pounds and improve cardiovascular health. Here are some effective cardio exercises to incorporate into your routine: Running Intervals: Adding sprints to your jog can increase endurance. Try 30-second sprints followed by 1-minute walking intervals to maximize results. Cycling Intervals: Cycling with intervals is effective for burning fat. Alternate between high resistance and easy pedaling to improve fitness. Boxing: Throwing punches, boxing builds strength and endurance. Try https://blogaura.com/blog/yoga-for-beginners or hitting a punching bag for an intense cardio session. Rowing: Low-impact but effective, rowing works your arms, legs, and core. Try different resistance levels to burn fat. Jump Rope Intervals: An easy-to-do, high-calorie burner, jump rope intervals increase heart rate fast. Try double unders or criss-crosses to maximize fat burn. Adding these high-intensity moves to your workouts will help you boost your metabolism and get in shape. Start today and feel the difference.