Rufinamide is a tri-azole derivative drug that is structurally unrelated to any other anti-seizure drugs (ASD). It was developed first in 2004 and later was granted an orphan drug status in October 2004 and was first marketed in Europe in January 2007. It was approved by the US FDA on November 14, 2008, for the adjunctive treatment of seizures associated with Lennox Gastaut syndrome (LGS). Interestingly, it was the first anti-seizure medication to reach the US market, having a pediatric indication prior to approval for adults.A true cyst is a localized fluid collection that is contained within an epithelial lined capsule. In contrast, a pseudocyst is a fluid collection that is surrounded by a non-epithelialized wall made up of fibrous and granulation tissue, hence the name “pseudo” cyst. A pancreatic pseudocyst is an encapsulated collection of homogenous fluid with little or no necrotic tissue within it. It is usually well circumscribed and located outside of the pancreas, often in the lesser sac. Pancreatic pseudocysts are often seen as a complication of chronic pancreatitis and less commonly from acute pancreatitis. They occur when the damage of the pancreatic ducts, frequently from biliary stones or alcohol, causes extravasation and collection of the pancreatic fluid. Regardless of the cause, the overall incidence of pseudocysts is low; 0.5 to 1 per 100,000 adults per year. Symptoms of pseudocysts are typically non-specific and may present only with vague abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting. However, a history of preceding acutntriguing disease.Methylene blue has FDA approval for the treatment of methemoglobinemia, a condition when Fe2+ of hemoglobin gets oxidized to Fe3+, reducing the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin, and typically presents with cyanosis of the lips and extremities, characteristic "chocolate-colored urine," and hypoxia. Methemoglobinemia results from exposure to certain drugs suc