Tessitura-the habitual pitch range of a musical piece or role-is widely accepted as a significant factor in determining whether a singer should perform a given piece or role. However, attempts to quantify tessitura have historically relied on laborious hand calculations. The current study introduces a novel MATLAB program ("Tessa") that automates tessitura analysis of digital sheet music in the MusicXML format. This program will allow voice teachers and singing voice specialists to assess the appropriateness of musical pieces or roles for their students and clients. Tessa converts sheet music in the open-source MusicXML (MXL or XML) format to a MATLAB-compatible structure array (MAT). Once converted, the program extracts pitch, duration, and lyric information from the structure file, then saves relevant arrays to the user's computer. Finally, Tessa performs analyses on the piece's tessitura data, including histogram, box plot, and descriptive statistical analyses. Variables such as tempo, score part numbelyses with voice range profiles or other assessment tools in order to evaluate repertoire and plan pacing strategies for extended performances. Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is an extra-oesophageal variant of gastro-oesophgeal reflux disease. Patients often do not present with the classic reflux symptoms of heartburn or regurgitation. Accurate diagnosis of LPR can be challenging. The reflux finding score (RFS) is system based on the assessment of eight parameters seen on fibre optic laryngoscopy, used to determine the presence and the severity of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Scoring the RFS is subjective and highly dependent on the examiner's eye and experience. In this study, we investigated the inter-rater reliability between three otolaryngologists scoring a large library of video-recorded laryngoscopies for RFS. To evaluate the usefulness of RFS in daily clinical practice by assessing inter-rater reliability a