On 13 February 2020, the University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability held the Michigan Environmental Justice Summit 2020 Commemorating the Thirtieth Anniversary of Michigan's 1990 Conference on Race and the Environment and Looking Toward the Future. The Summit hosted a dynamic panel of community environmental justice leaders throughout the region who have "boots on the ground" in the progress and pursuit of environmental justice. The panelists included Donele Wilkins, the President/CEO of the Green Door Initiative in Detroit, MI; Andrea Pierce, Chair and Founder of the Anishinaabek Caucus, Idle No More Michigan, MI; and Theresa Landrum, co-founder of the 48217 Community and Environmental Health Organization, Detroit, MI. This article includes an edited transcript of the panel discussion. The panelists detail multiple grassroots efforts to remedy environmental injustice in Michigan.To design a reasonable dimensional tolerance of a transmission shaft, the higher product quality while lower manufacturing cost must be considered. This paper provides a mathematical model and a flowchart which elucidates the relationship between process capability index (PCI), reliability, tolerance and manufacturing cost, considering the characteristics of the shaft diameter, the material and manufacturing process. A 10.904% cost reduction under certain PCI range of a real case shows the effectiveness of the model and flowchart, thus it can be applied to those technical area when optimizing product design.The Brazilian state apparatus was reformed throughout the 1990s, influenced by New Public Management (NPM). NPM was embodied in the health care sector by the creation of Social Health Organizations (Organizações Sociais de Saúde or OSS), private non-profit entities to provide welfare services. We performed a systematic review of the literature outlining the origins and role of OSS in Brazil. Our selected articl