Risk factors for cytomegalovirus (CMV) viremia in CMV seropositive liver transplant recipients are incompletely defined and have focused primarily on recipient factors. We hypothesized that active CMV replication (CMV viremia) in seropositive donors might increase the risk for CMV viremia in recipients, as reported for other viruses in organ transplantation. From January 3, 2009, to July 27, 2015, stored plasma from consecutive CMV seropositive liver donors was retrospectively tested for CMV viremia by PCR. From April 20, 2012, to July 27, 2015, CMV seropositive recipients of a liver transplant from the donors during this time period received preemptive therapy for CMV prevention (valganciclovir therapy for CMV viremia ≥250 IU/mL). The association of recipient factors and donor CMV viremia with viremia in recipients was assessed. Among 317 CMV-seropositive donors, CMV viremia was detected in 11 (3.5%) and was associated with longer time to collection after admission and bacteremia. Among 115 CMV-seropositiransplant settings.Stopping immunosuppression in a transplant patient with donor-derived malignancy offers the theoretical benefit that reconstitution of the patient's immune system will allow "rejection" of the malignancy, as the malignancy also originates from allogeneic tissue. However, this option exists with the caveat that the patient's allograft(s) will likely be rejected too. In simultaneous pancreas-kidney (SPK) recipients, the normal continued functioning and possible absence of malignancy in either the unaffected kidney or pancreas further complicate this decision. The charts of 3 patients with donor-derived metastatic malignancies after SPK were retrospectively reviewed in detail. We provide treatment and management recommendations based on successful outcomes and a review of the existing literature. Consistent with a broad review of the literature, in all 3 cases, complete immunosuppression cessation,