[Figure see text].[Figure see text]. To assess the accuracy, quality, and readability of online educational health information in English related to the most common benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) guideline-approved surgical treatments. The terms "benign prostatic hyperplasia", "BPH", and all eight guideline-approved treatment modalities studied, were searched to retrieve the first five relevant websites and first two paid advertised websites related to the surgical treatment options for BPH. These modalities included transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), GreenLight photovaporization, endoscopic enucleation of the prostate, Rezum, Urolift, Aquablation, open simple prostatectomy (OSP), and robotic simple prostatectomy (RSP). All relevant websites were assessed for their accuracy, quality, and readability using standardized scoring systems. The mean accuracy score for each of the treatment modalities were all indicative of good accuracy, with 76-99% of the information presented as being accurate. The median quality score was sta accuracy, good quality, and poor readability. Additionally, it was found that none of the retrieved websites included descriptions for all of the other included treatment modalities. Given these findings, the authors recommend the development of centralized resources with all guideline-approved treatment modalities and accurate, readable, and high-quality information related to the surgical treatment of BPH. Cisplatin is an important component of treatment regimens for different cancers. Notwithstanding that therapeutic success often results from partial efficacy or stabilizing the disease, chemotherapy failure is driven by resistance to drug treatment and occurrence of side effects, such as progressive irreversible ototoxicity. Cisplatin's side effects, including ototoxicity, are often dose-limiting. Recent Advances Cisplatin ototoxicity results from several mechanisms, including