PDC is feasible with low mortality and is associated with manageable complication rates. 5-year survival of patients undergoing PDC with MCR in multi-modality setting is approaching 25% depending on quantitative and clinical stage, sex and histological subtype and is better than PDC without- MCR. PDC is feasible with low mortality and is associated with manageable complication rates. 5-year survival of patients undergoing PDC with MCR in multi-modality setting is approaching 25% depending on quantitative and clinical stage, sex and histological subtype and is better than PDC without- MCR. The global pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory virus coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has a male bias in mortality likely driven by both gender and sex-based differences between male and female individuals. This is consistent with sex and gender-based features of HIV infection and overlap between the two diseases will highlight potential mechanistic pathways of disease and guide research questions and policy interventions. In this review, the emerging findings from SARS-CoV-2 infection will be placed in the context of sex and gender research in the more mature HIV epidemic. This review will focus on the new field of literature on prevention, immunopathogenesis and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 referencing relevant articles in HIV for context from a broader time period, consistent with the evolving understanding of sex and gender in HIV infection. Sex-specific features of epidemiology and immunopathogenesis reported in COVID-19 disease will be discussed and potential sex and gender-specific factors of relevance to prevention and treatment will be emphasized. Multilayered impacts of sex and gender on HIV infection have illuminated pathways of disease and identified important goals for public health interventions. SARS-CoV-2 has strong evidence for a male bias in disease severity and exploring that difference will yield important insights. Multilayered impacts of sex and gender on HIV infection have illuminated pathways of disease and identified important goals for public health interventions. SARS-CoV-2 has strong evidence for a male bias in disease severity and exploring that difference will yield important insights. Given the ongoing rise in prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the challenges in developing and administering interventions to significantly alleviate ASD symptoms, there is an urgent need to identify modifiable risk factors for ASD. The goal of this review is to systematically evaluate the current evidence for an association between conditions related to maternal metabolic syndrome and risk for ASD in offspring focusing on methodically rigorous studies. In recent years, multiple studies explored the association between various conditions related to maternal metabolic syndrome (obesity, hypertension, or diabetes prior to, or with onset during pregnancy) and ASD risk in the offspring. Examining large, sufficiently powered, population-based epidemiological studies that explored the association between maternal metabolic syndrome and ASD, we found consistent evidence for an association between maternal preeclampsia and risk for ASD. Other conditions that are part of maternal metabolic syndrome,es of potentially modifiable ASD risk factors that could inform public health interventions. Neuroimaging research on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) continues growing in extent and complexity, although it has yet to become clinically meaningful. We review recent MRI research on ADHD, to identify robust findings, current trends and challenges. We identified 40 publications between January 2019 and September 2020 reporting or reviewing MRI research on ADHD. Four meta-analyses have presented conflicting results regarding across-study convergence of functional and resting-state functional (fMRI and R-fMRI) studies on ADHD. On the other hand, the Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics Through Meta-Analysis international consortium has identified statistically robust albeit small differences in structural brain cortical and subcortical indices in children with ADHD versus typically developing controls. Other international consortia are harnessing open-science efforts and multimodal data (imaging, genetics, phenotypic) to shed light on the complex interplay of genetics, environment, and development in the pathophysiology of ADHD. We note growing research in 'prediction' science, which applies machine-learning analysis to identify biomarkers of disease based on big data. Neuroimaging in ADHD is still far from informing clinical practice. Current large-scale, multimodal, and open-science initiatives represent promising paths toward untangling the neurobiology of ADHD. Neuroimaging in ADHD is still far from informing clinical practice. Current large-scale, multimodal, and open-science initiatives represent promising paths toward untangling the neurobiology of ADHD. Within the past decade tremendous advances have occurred in our understanding of dyslexia. Reliable data now validate the definition of dyslexia as an unexpected difficulty in reading in an individual who has the ability to be a much better reader. That dyslexia is unexpected is now codified in US federal law (PL 115-391). Replicated studies using functional brain imaging have documented a neural signature for dyslexia. Epidemiologic, longitudinal data now demonstrate that dyslexia is highly prevalent, affecting 20% of the population, affecting boys and girls equally. These data further demonstrate that the achievement gap between dyslexic and typical readers is now evident as early as first grade and persists. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/yd23.html Evidence-based, efficient, inexpensive screening tools now offer the possibility of universal screening to identify children at risk for dyslexia as early as first grade. Specialized schools which focus on dyslexic students provide welcoming communities, ensuring that dyslexic children will not only survive but thrive. Taken together, these findings indicate that we must act and act now to ensure that this 21st century knowledge of dyslexia is disseminated to educators, policy makers, and most of all to parents of dyslexic children. Taken together, these findings indicate that we must act and act now to ensure that this 21st century knowledge of dyslexia is disseminated to educators, policy makers, and most of all to parents of dyslexic children.