sented in the final section of the paper.The formation of gallium nitride (GaN) semi-polar and non-polar nanostructures is of importance for improving light extraction/absorption of optoelectronic devices, creating optical resonant cavities or reducing the defect density. However, very limited studies of nanotexturing via dry etching have been performed, in comparison to wet etching. In this paper, we investigate the formation and morphology of semi-polar (112¯2) and non-polar (112¯0) GaN nanorods using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching. The impact of gas chemistry, pressure, temperature, radio-frequency (RF) and ICP power and time are explored. A dominant chemical component is found to have a significant impact on the morphology, being impacted by the polarity of the planes. In contrast, increasing the physical component enables the impact of crystal orientation to be minimized to achieve a circular nanorod profile with inclined sidewalls. These conditions were obtained for a small percentage of chlorine (Cl2) within the Cl2 + argon (Ar) plasma combined with a low pressure. Damage to the crystal was reduced by lowering the direct current (DC) bias through a reduction of the RF power and an increase of the ICP power.Conventional sputum collection for TB diagnosis is difficult in TB meningitis patients since most of them are admitted with decreased consciousness. It is assumed that unconscious patients swallow their sputum; therefore, gastric aspiration can replace sputum collection in unconscious patients. A prospective study was conducted to see whether examining gastric aspirate could increase the diagnosis certainty of pulmonary TB in such subjects. The inclusion criteria were age 18-60 years, decreased level of consciousness, and use of a nasogastric tube. Subjects who had taken antituberculosis drugs for more than 3 days were excluded. Gastric lavage was performed in the morning after an overnight fast. Specimens were examined for direct smear, culture, and rapid molecular testing. Demographic, clinical, chest X-ray, and laboratory data were also recorded. During the study period, 31 subjects were available. The positivity rates for microbiological tests were 19.3%, 41.9%, and 48.4% for smear, culture, and rapid molecular testing, respectively. All positive smears were confirmed by either culture or rapid molecular testing. Gastric lavage can be considered a tool for improving extraneural TB diagnosis in unconscious patients.Chronic kidney disease (CKD) exhibits progressive kidney dysfunction and leads to disturbed homeostasis, including accumulation of uremic toxins, activated renin-angiotensin system, and increased oxidative stress and proinflammatory cytokines. Patients with CKD are prone to developing the peripheral vascular disease (PVD), leading to poorer outcomes than those without CKD. Cumulative evidence has showed that the synergy of uremic milieu and PVD could exaggerate vascular complications such as limb ischemia, amputation, stenosis, or thrombosis of a dialysis vascular access, and increase mortality risk. The role of uremic toxins in the pathogenesis of vascular dysfunction in CKD has been investigated. Moreover, growing evidence has shown the promising role of uremic toxins as a therapeutic target for PVD in CKD. This review focused on uremic toxins in the pathophysiology, in vitro and animal models, and current novel clinical approaches in reducing the uremic toxin to prevent peripheral vascular complications in CKD patients.Immunotherapy is now the preferred treatment for most lung cancer patients. It is used to treat unresectable stage III non-small-cell lung cancer and is the first-line therapy for non-oncogene-driven advanced/metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer patients (either alone or in combination with chemotherapy). Unfortunately, most patients that respond initially to immunotherapy develop resistance over time, thus limiting the durability of immunotherapy. A better understanding of the mechanisms of acquired resistance is urgently needed to expand the benefit of immunotherapy in lung cancer patients. This review aims to summarize the mechanisms and clinical outcomes of acquired resistance of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 therapies in non-small-cell lung cancer patients.CRC is the third most diagnosed cancer in the US with the second-highest mortality rate. A multi-modality approach with surgery/chemotherapy is used in patients with early stages of colon cancer. Radiation therapy is added to the armamentarium in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer. While some patients with metastatic CRC are cured, the majority remain incurable and receive palliative chemotherapy as the standard of care. Recently, immune checkpoint blockade has emerged as a promising treatment for many solid tumors, including CRC with microsatellite instability. However, it has not been effective for microsatellite stable CRC. Here, main mechanisms of immunosuppression in CRC will be discussed, aiming to provide some insights for restoring immunosurveillance to improve treatment efficacy in CRC.A class of intractable bio accumulative halogenated compounds polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) was studied. Specifically, PBDEs and dechloran plus (DP) contamination in wheat and the assaulted environment-agricultural soil and dust-from metropolitan cities of Pakistan was the focus. The exposure of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) to humans, their probable toxicological impact on health, source apportionment, and the spatial tendency of BFRs were studied. Chromatographic analysis was performed, and concentrations (ng g-1) of ΣPBDE and ΣDP in soil, dust, and cereal crops were estimated in a range from 0.63 to 31.70 n.d. to 6.32 and n.d. to 3.47, respectively, and 0.11 to 7.05, n.d. to 4.56 and 0.05 to 4.95, respectively. Data analysis of source apportionment reflected that the existence of solid and e-waste sites, long-range transport, urban and industrial fraction can be the potential source of PBDE and DP pollution. Moreover, potential hazardous risks to human health across the study area via the dietary intake of cereal foods were deemed trifling, and were gauged on the basis of existing toxicological data.