027). Regardless the type of supervision adopted, the number of antibiotic courses did not change compared to the previous year. We counted 19/90 (21.1%) drop-out in the PT-FU, double compared to the group followed up at the clinics (p=0.065). Participants under a course of an inhaled antibiotic therapy showed a 1-year decline in lung function, whereas only the group receiving home supervision counted nearly one visit less at the CF center, whose clinical relevance should be further discussed.Dear Editor, The recent studies on combination triple therapy of inhaled corticosteroid, long acting beta2 agonist and long-acting muscarinic antagonist (ICS-LABA-LAMA) in COPD have consistently demonstrated an improvement in exacerbation frequency and/or improvement of lung function...COVID-19 has involved numerous countries across the globe and the disease burden, susceptible age group; mortality rate has been variable depending on the demographical profile, economic status, and health care infrastructure. In the current clinical environment, COVID-19 is one of the most important clinical differential diagnoses in patients presenting with respiratory symptoms. The optimal mechanical ventilation strategy for these patients has been a constant topic of discussion and very importantly so, since a great majority of these patients require invasive mechanical ventilation and often for an extended period of time. In this report we highlight our experience with a COVID-19 patient who most likely suffered barotrauma either as a result of traumatic endotracheal intubation or primarily due to COVID-19 itself. We also aim to highlight the current literature available to suggest the management strategy for these patients for a favorable outcome. The cases described are diverse in terms of age variancevulnerable patient population who may rely too heavily on NIV to avoid intubation and mechanical ventilation. COVID-19 recently became one of