The Multi-PCR assay showed full concordance with whole-genome sequence data and displayed higher sensitivity and 100% specificity. The assay could detect all variants of the various mcr alleles described. The Multi-PCR assay successfully genotyped of mcr alleles described in one test. We combined quantitative and population genetic methods to identify loci under selection for adult plant resistance to stripe rust in an Austrian winter wheat breeding population from 2008 to 2018. Resistance to stripe rust, a foliar disease caused by the fungus P. striiformis f. sp. tritici, in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is both qualitatively and quantitatively controlled. Resistance genes confer complete, race-specific resistance but are easily overcome by evolving pathogen populations, while quantitative resistance is controlled by many small- to medium-effect loci that provide incomplete yet more durable protection. Data on resistance loci can be applied in marker-assisted selection and genomic prediction frameworks. We employed genome-wide association to detect loci associated with stripe rust and selection testing to identify regions of the genome that underwent selection for stripe rust resistance in an Austrian winter wheat breeding program from 2008 to 2018. Genome-wide association mapping identitify regions of the genome that underwent selection for stripe rust resistance in an Austrian winter wheat breeding program from 2008 to 2018. Genome-wide association mapping identified 150 resistance loci, 62 of which showed significant evidence of selection over time. The breeding population also demonstrated selection for resistance at the genome-wide level. A chasmogamous mutant was induced by exposing a cleistogamous cultivar to sodium azide. The altered cly1 sequence in the mutant was not in the miR172 binding site, as is the case in other known cleistogamous alleles, but rather in a region encoding one of the gene product's two AP2 domains. The genetic basis of cleistogamy (in which pollination occurs before the flower opens) in barley is centered on the Cleistogamy 1 locus (cly1). The sequence of the microRNA (miR172)-targeting site in the gene, which belongs to the APETALA2 family, differs between cleistogamous and chasmogamous cultivars at a single nucleotide position, resulting in the differential ability of the lodicules to swell. Here, mutagenesis of the barley cultivar 'Misato Golden' (which carries the cly1.b allele), achieved using sodium azide, was used to induce a change from cleistogamy to chasmogamy (non-cleistogamous flowering). The cly1 coding sequence in the selected mutant differed from that of cly1.b by two non-synonymous mutations, one ofnant with respect to these alleles. To quantify and compare the outcomes of routine vs. urologist-requested diagnostic testing for recurrent urinary tract infections (rUTI). A retrospective cohort study of patients with rUTI referred to a large non-academic teaching hospital between 2016 and 2018 (Hospital A) and a university hospital between 2014 and 2016 (Hospital B). Electronic medical records were reviewed for baseline and diagnostic data. Women underwent the following assessments routinely urinalysis, voiding diary, flowmetry in Hospital A and urinalysis, voiding diary, flowmetry, ultrasound, abdominal x-ray and cystoscopy in Hospital B. All other diagnostics were performed by indication in each hospital. We included 295 women from Hospital A and 298 from Hospital B, among whom the mean age (57.6years) and mean UTI frequency (5.6/year) were comparable, though more were postmenopausal in Hospital A. We identified abnormalities by flowmetry or post-void residual volumes in 134 patients (Hospital A 79; Hospital B 55), cystoscopy in 14 patients (Hospital A 6; Hospital B 8) and ultrasound in 42 patients (Hospital A 16; Hospital B 26), but these differences were not significant. Diagnostics altered treatment in 117 patients (e.g., pelvic floor muscle training, referral to another specialist, surgical intervention), mostly due to flowmetry and post-void residual volume measurement. The retrospective design and absence of follow-up data limit these results. The routine use of cystoscopy and ultrasound in female patients with rUTIs should not be recommended as they yield few abnormalities and lead to additional costs. The routine use of cystoscopy and ultrasound in female patients with rUTIs should not be recommended as they yield few abnormalities and lead to additional costs. Poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB) is a biopolymer produced by Escherichia coli K12 bacteria. P4HB is fully resorbed in vivo by 18-24months post-implantation. The aim of this study is to evaluate P4HB in the rabbit abdomen and vagina to determine that the biomechanical and histological properties are similar to the standard polypropylene mesh. Our hypothesis is that the histological and biomechanical properties of a fully absorbable graft will be similar to a lightweight polypropylene (PP) mesh when implanted in rabbit vagina and abdomen. Sixteen (n = 16) female New Zealand White (retired breeder) rabbits were equally divided between two time points (3 and 9months). A total of 17 rabbits were used owing to one death secondary to suspected cardiomyopathy. P4HB scaffold and PP mesh were subcutaneously and peri-vaginally implanted into the rabbit abdomen and vagina respectively. All rabbits had both posterior and anterior vaginal implants, and half of the rabbits had four abdominal implants in addition to the vage present in the 3-month vaginal PP and P4HB specimens, but were not seen again. There was an increase in type I/III collagen noted over time. Biomechanical evaluation of the vaginal mesh tissue complex showed ultimate tensile strength was not significantly different between P4HB and PP groups at 3 (P = 0.625) and 9months (P = 0.250) respectively. P4HB scaffold may represent a fully absorbable alternative to permanent mesh for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) repair. P4HB scaffold may represent a fully absorbable alternative to permanent mesh for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) repair. The aim of this systematic review of the literature was to pool all the existing data regarding pregnancy and delivery in women with neurogenic bladder or bladder exstrophy who had undergone previous lower urinary tract reconstruction (LUTR). We conducted a systematic review of the literature from PubMed/MedLine, and the Google Scholar database, from 1972 to July 2020. Fifty articles were included, of which 25 contained data that could be pooled (229 women representing 292 pregnancies). Ninety-eight women had bladder exstrophy (43%), 58 had spinal dysraphism (25%), 14 had spinal cord injury (6%), and 59 presented other pathological conditions. Of these, 138 have had an augmentation cystoplasty (61%), 42 (18%) had a continent cutaneous urinary diversion, and 31 had an artificial urinary sphincter (14%). During their pregnancy, 97 women (33%) experienced at least one febrile urinary tract infection. Thirty-one women (11%) required ureteral stenting or nephrostomy placement for upper urinary tract dilatation.