We elucidate the underlying fiber-bundle anatomy of the MTG, an area highly involved in the brain's language network. Improved understanding of the unique, underlying white matter connections in and around this area may augment our overall understanding of language processing as well as the involvement of higher order cerebral networks like the default mode network in these functions. We elucidate the underlying fiber-bundle anatomy of the MTG, an area highly involved in the brain's language network. Improved understanding of the unique, underlying white matter connections in and around this area may augment our overall understanding of language processing as well as the involvement of higher order cerebral networks like the default mode network in these functions.To date, research on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, encompassing Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), a chronic complex disorder, has generated a large amount of data scattered across published literature (1 06 333) listed in PubMed on 14 October 2020, and no dedicated database currently exists that catalogues information on genes associated with IBD. We aimed to manually curate 289 genes that are experimentally validated to be linked with IBD and its known phenotypes. Furthermore, we have developed an integrated platform providing information about different aspects of these genes by incorporating several resources and an extensive text-mined knowledgebase. The curated IBD database (IBDDB) allows the selective display of collated 34 subject-specific concepts (listed as columns) exportable through a user-friendly IBDDB portal. The information embedded in concepts was acquired via text-mining of PubMed (manually cleaned and curated), accompanied by data-mining from varied resources. The user can also explore different biomedical entities and their co-occurrence with other entities (about one million) from 11 curated dictionaries in the indexed PubM