There is a worldwide growing use of chemicals by our developed, industrialized, and technological society. More than 100,000 chemical substances are thus commonly used both by industry and households. Depending on the amount produced, physical-chemical properties, and mode of use, many of them may reach the environment and, notably, the aquatic receiving systems. This may result in undesirable and harmful side-effects on both the human and the ecosystem's health. Mediterranean rivers are largely different from Northern and Central European rivers in terms of hydrological regime, climate conditions (e.g. air temperature, solar irradiation, precipitation), and socio-economics (e.g. land use, tourism, crop types, etc.), with all these factors leading to differences in the relative importance of the environmental stressors, in the classes and levels of the pollutants found and their environmental fate. Furthermore, water scarcity might be critical in affecting water pollution because of the lowered dilution capace respective river basin specific pollutants (RBSPs), prioritizing them in terms of the potential ecotoxicological risk posed to the aquatic ecosystems.The Tibetan Plateau, also termed 'the Third Pole' harbors the largest number of high-altitude lakes in the world. Due to the presence of extreme conditions such as low temperature and oligotrophy, the lakes of the Tibetan Plateau share environmental features in common with lakes in the polar regions. However, the extent to which these environments are analogous, or indeed whether they harbor similar microbial communities or a high level of endemic species is poorly understood. Here we compared high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing data from the lakes of the three different regions in order to characterize their taxonomic diversity, the community composition and biogeography. Our results showed despite the similarity in environmental conditions, the spatial distribution of the bacterial communities was distinct with only 3.1% of all operational taxonomic units (OTUs) being present in all three regions (although these OTUs did account for a considerable proportion of the total sequences, 36.4%). Sequences belonging to Burkholderiales and Actinomycetales dominated the shared OTUs across all three regions. Scale dependent distance decay patterns provided evidence of dispersal limitation. Climatic variables and dispersal limitation were apparently both important in controlling the spatial distribution of bacterial communities across regions. This work expands our understanding of the diversity and biogeography of lake bacterial communities across the Tibetan Plateau and provides insights into how they compare to those of the Antarctic and Arctic.This work focuses on the evaluation of the impact of powering electrolytic wastewater treatment processes with grid or renewable energy on the sustainability of this electrochemical remediation technology. To face this goal, it was performed an inventory of three bench-scale plants made up by the same treatment technology but powered from different supplies connected to grid and directly coupled with solar photovoltaic panels or a wind turbine. Results show that the powering mode can significantly affect the environmental risks of the treatment, not only in terms of electricity demand but also on the formation of intermediates, which are more important in the cases in which the intensity profile varied. A life cycle assessment (LCA) is carried out in order to quantify the environmental impacts of green powering electrolytic wastewater treatment processes. Ecoinvent 3.3 data base, AWARE, USEtox, IPPC and ReCiPe methodologies are used to quantify the environmental burden into 5 midpoint (water footprint, global warming 100a, ozone layer depletion, human toxicity, freshwater ecotoxicity) and 17 endpoint impact categories. All impact categories are higher in the case in which the supplied power cames from a electricity grid mix. For the removal of 0.1 g 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4D) per liter (functional unit) of treated wastewater releases 0.14 kg CO2 eq. If the energy is provided by a wind turbine or a solar panel the processes emit 0.020 kg CO2 eq and 0.019 kg CO2 eq, respectively. A comparison of the impact based on the grid mix used in different countries is also made, which has pointed out the relevance of this input on the sustainability of the environmental electrochemical technologies.A.I.A (Athens International Airport) is the first major transportation infrastructure in Greece. Environmental protection is a priority and AIA is committed to protect the environment and preventing or lessening negative impacts, through a comprehensive Environmental Policy and Procedures. The scope of this article is to perform a comprehensive risk assessment of climate-related risks to the direct and indirect operations of Athens International Airport and to its assets. To achieve that, we proceeded to collect and analyse the historical climate data as well as the future climate scenarios for the region in which the airport operates. Ιn addition, we prepared a questionnaire on the climatic conditions at the airport and the protection measures already in place. The questionnaire was shared with employees in key-positions, as well as to third parties. A round of interviews was held, with important conclusions to be drawn. Finally, we come up with a list of risks assessments, related to climate change, for the airport and some actions to be implemented in the next period.The global intensification of agriculture has resulted in pesticides playing an increasingly important role as anthropogenic stressors and drivers of environmental change. There is also a growing need to determine if other environmental stressors, especially those predicted to worsen with climate change, interact with pesticides to alter their effects on non-target biota. Two such stressors are increased extreme temperature events and periods of food limitation. This study is the first to investigate the combined effects of the world's most widely used insecticide, imidacloprid, with heatwaves and food limitation on a freshwater animal. A 6-week, full-factorial laboratory experiment with Deleatidium spp. mayfly nymphs was performed to investigate the potential for direct and delayed interactive effects of simulated heatwaves and starvation with chronic exposure to a field-realistic concentration of imidacloprid (0.4 μg/L). The experiment included two 6-day simulated heatwaves, one during a starvation period prior to imidacloprid addition, and one during the first 6 days of imidacloprid exposure.