An atlas of TBK1 substrates is in constant expanding, setting TBK1 as a key node of signaling network and a dominant player in contexts of cell biology, animal models, and human diseases. Here, we review recent advancements of activation, regulations, and functions of TBK1 under these physiological and pathological contexts.The gill proteome of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) differs greatly in populations that inhabit diverse environments characterized by different temperature, salinity, food availability, parasites, and other parameters. To assess the contribution of a specific environmental parameter to such differences it is necessary to isolate its effects from those of other parameters. In this study the effect of environmental salinity on the gill proteome of G. aculeatus was isolated in controlled mesocosm experiments. Salinity-dependent changes in the gill proteome were analyzed by LC/MSMS data-independent acquisition (DIA) and Skyline. Relative abundances of 1691 proteins representing the molecular phenotype of stickleback gills were quantified using previously developed MSMS spectral and assay libraries in combination with DIA quantitative proteomics. Non-directional stress responses were distinguished from osmoregulatory protein abundance changes by their consistent occurrence during both hypo- and hgradation, purine metabolism, focal adhesion, mRNA surveillance, phagosome, endocytosis, and associated intracellular signaling KEGG pathways. These results demonstrate that G. aculeatus responds to salinity changes by adjusting osmoregulatory mechanisms that are distinct from transient non-directional stress responses to control compatible osmolyte synthesis, transepithelial ion transport, and oxidative energy metabolism. Furthermore, this study establishes salinity as a key factor for causing the regulation of numerous proteins and KEGG pathways with established functions in proteostasis, i