The possible link between FT3SS and OH11 antagonism towards S. cerevisiae was also confirmed by loss of toxicity in both mutants of ΔfliI and ΔflhB that lacks the FT3SS structural gene flhB when co-cultured with the yeast strain. The design of synthetic proteins toxic against the Gram-negative bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum further supported the involvement of FT3SS in the ability of OH11 to parasitize other microorganisms. Overall, these results revealed a possible cooption of components of FT3SS system in the competition with other microorganisms in the plant beneficial bacterium OH11 and highlighted a functional divergence of FT3SS between flagellated and non-flagellated bacteria.Cancer staging provides a common language that is used to describe the severity of an individual's cancer, which plays a critical role in optimizing cancer treatment. Recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) is the most widely accepted method for cancer staging. Despite its widespread use, to date, only limited tools have been developed to implement the RPA algorithm for cancer staging. Moreover, most of the available tools can be accessed only from command lines and also lack visualization, making them difficult for clinical investigators without programing skills to use. Therefore, we developed a web server called autoRPA that is dedicated to supporting the construction of prognostic staging models and performance comparisons among different staging models. Based on the RPA algorithm and log-rank test statistics, autoRPA can establish a decision-making tree from survival data and provide clinicians an intuitive method to further prune the decision tree. Moreover, autoRPA can evaluate the contribution of each submitted covariate that is involved in the grouping process and help identify factors that significantly contribute to cancer staging. Four indicators, including hazard consistency, hazard discrimination, percentage of variation e