for predicting ALN status. Combining conventional ultrasound and CEUS features of ALNs can improve specificity discrimination of ALN status better than the use of CEUS and the conventional ultrasound features alone, which will help the treatment planning optimization. The axillary lymph node status in breast cancer patients impacts the treatment decision. Our ultrasonic data demonstrated that CEUS features of ALNs in breast cancer patients could be image markers for predicting ALN status. Combining conventional ultrasound and CEUS features of ALNs can improve specificity discrimination of ALN status better than the use of CEUS and the conventional ultrasound features alone, which will help the treatment planning optimization.We experimentally demonstrate that electrically neutral particles, neutrons, can be used to directly visualize the electrostatic field inside a target volume that can be physically isolated or occupied. Electric field images are obtained using a spin-polarized neutron beam with a recently developed polarimetry method for polychromatic beams that permits detection of a small angular change in spin orientation. This Letter may enable a new diagnostic technique sensitive to the structure of electric potential, electric polarization, charge distribution, and dielectric constant by imaging spatially dependent electric fields in objects that cannot be accessed by other probes.Observations of ultradiffuse galaxies NGC 1052-DF2 and -DF4 show they may contain little dark matter, challenging our understanding of galaxy formation. Using controlled N-body simulations, we explore the possibility that their properties can be reproduced through tidal stripping from the elliptical galaxy NGC 1052, in both cold dark matter (CDM) and self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) scenarios. To explain the dark matter deficiency, we find that a CDM halo must have a very low concentration so that it can lose sufficient inner mass in the tidal field. In contrast, SIDM favors a higher and more reasonable concentration as core formation enhances tidal mass loss. Final stellar distributions in our SIDM benchmarks are more diffuse than the CDM one, and hence the former are in better agreement with the data. We further show that a cored CDM halo model modified by strong baryonic feedback is unlikely to reproduce the observations. Our results indicate that SIDM is more favorable for the formation of dark-matter-deficient galaxies.The past decade has witnessed numerous discoveries of two-dimensional (2D) semimetals and insulators, whereas 2D metals were rarely identified. Borophene, a monolayer boron sheet, has recently emerged as a perfect 2D metal with unique electronic properties. Here we study collective excitations in borophene, which exhibit two major plasmon modes with low damping rates extending from the infrared to ultraviolet regime. The anisotropic 1D plasmon originates from electronic transitions of tilted Dirac cones in borophene, analogous to that in extreme doped graphene. These features enable borophene as an integrated platform of 1D, 2D, and Dirac plasmons, promising for directional polariton transport and broadband optical communication in next-generation optoelectronic devices.Motivated by multiple possible physical realizations, we study the SU(4) quantum antiferromagnet with a fundamental representation on each site of the triangular lattice. We provide evidence for a gapless liquid ground state of this system with an emergent Fermi surface of fractionalized fermionic partons coupled with a U(1) gauge field. Our conclusions are based on numerical simulations using the density matrix renormalization group method, which we support with a field theory analysis.Ancilla systems are often indispensable to universal control of a nearly isolated quantum system. However, ancilla systems are typically more vulnerable to environmental noise, which limits the performance of such ancilla-assisted quantum control. To address this challenge of ancilla-induced decoherence, we propose a general framework that integrates quantum control and quantum error correction, so that we can achieve robust quantum gates resilient to ancilla noise. We introduce the path independence criterion for fault-tolerant quantum gates against ancilla errors. As an example, a path-independent gate is provided for superconducting circuits with a hardware-efficient design.Coupling a many-body localized system to a thermal bath breaks local conservation laws and washes out signatures of localization. When the bath is nonthermal or when the system is also weakly driven, local conserved quantities acquire a highly nonthermal stationary value. We demonstrate how this property can be used to study the many-body localization phase transition in weakly open systems. Here, the strength of the coupling to the nonthermal baths plays a similar role as a finite temperature in a T=0 quantum phase transition. By tuning this parameter, we can detect key features of the many-body localization (MBL) transition the divergence of the dynamical exponent due to Griffiths effects in one dimension and the critical disorder strength. We apply these ideas to study the MBL critical point numerically. The possibility to observe critical signatures of the MBL transition in an open system allows for new numerical approaches that overcome the limitations of exact diagonalization studies. Here, we propose a scalable numerical scheme to study the MBL critical point using matrix-product operator solution to the Lindblad equation.In the quest to image the three-dimensional magnetization structure we show that the technique of magnetic small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is highly sensitive to the details of the internal spin structure of nanoparticles. By combining SANS with numerical micromagnetic computations we study the transition from single-domain to multidomain behavior in nanoparticles and its implications for the ensuing magnetic SANS cross section. Above the critical single-domain size we find that the cross section and the related correlation function cannot be described anymore with the uniform particle model, resulting, e.g., in deviations from the well-known Guinier law. In the simulations we identify a clear signature for the occurrence of a vortexlike spin structure at remanence. The micromagnetic approach to magnetic SANS bears great potential for future investigations, since it provides fundamental insights into the mesoscale magnetization profile of nanoparticles.