A variety of infrared applications rely on semiconductor superlattices, including, notably, the realization of high-power, compact quantum cascade lasers. Requirements for atomically smooth interface and limited lattice matching options set high technical standards for fabricating applicable heterostructure devices. The semiconductor twinning superlattice (TSL) forms in a single compound with periodically spaced twin boundaries and sharp interface junctions and can be grown with convenient synthesis methods. Therefore, employing semiconductor TSL may facilitate the development of optoelectronic applications related to superlattice structures. Here, it is shown that InAs TSL nanowires generate inter-sub-band transition channels due to the band projection and the Bragg-like electron reflection. The findings reveal the physical mechanisms of inter-sub-band transitions in TSL structure and suggest that TSL structures are promising candidates for mid-infrared optoelectronic applications.Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a devastating condition with high morbidity and mortality seen predominately in preterm infants. Multiple factors are associated with the pathogenesis of NEC. The widespread use of antibiotics in the neonatal intensive care unit might play a role in the pathogenesis of NEC in preterm infants. This review provides a summary on the intestinal microbiota in preterm infants with a focus on how antibiotic exposure may reduce the biodiversity of the intestinal microbiota and may predispose preterm infants to NEC. CONCLUSION Prolonged antibiotic therapy has been suggested as a risk factor for the development of NEC in preterm infants. High peak serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels may not be needed for maintenance intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) treatment in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) and such high levels may cause side effects. More frequent lower dosing may lead to more