In summary, we established a six-gene signature relevant to the prognosis of OC, which might become a therapeutic tool with clinical applications in the future.Species identification of unknown biological samples is of fundamental importance for forensic applications, especially in crime detection, poaching, and illegal trade of endangered animals as well as meat fraud. In this study, a novel panel was developed to simultaneously identify 10 different animal species (Gallus domesticus, Anas platyrhynchos domesticus, Ovis aries, Sus scrofa domesticus, Bos taurus, Equus caballus, Columba livia domestica, Rattus norvegicus, Mus musculus, and Canis lupus familiaris) and human beings by amplifying 22 short tandem repeat (STR) loci in a multiplex PCR using a set of five fluorescently labeled dyes. This novel 22-STR panel was validated by optimization of PCR conditions as well as species specificity, sensitivity, reproducibility, precision, DNA mixture, and tissue/organ consistency. The results of developmental validation showed that the 22-STR loci achieved high species specificity among 10 animal species and human beings, and the sensitivity of this panel was 0.09 ng. This 22-STR panel identified different meats in mixed samples, and the minimum detected mixture ratio in the current test was 10% (0.1 ng/1 ng). This sensitive, accurate, and specific 22-STR panel can be used for forensic species identification and the detection of meat fraud and adulteration.Through genome-wide association studies (GWAS), multiple inherited predispositions to acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have been identified in children. Most recently, a novel susceptibility locus at ERG was localized, exhibiting Hispanic-specific manner. In this study, we conducted a replication study to in all-age Chinese patients (N = 451), not only validating the novel ERG locus, but also systematically determining the impact of age on association status of the top GWAS signals. We found that single nucleotide polymorphisms at ARID5B, IKZF1, CEBPE, PIP4K2A were only significantly associated with ALL susceptibility in childhood patients with no BCR-ABL fusion, while GATA3 signal exhibited its significance in adults no matter carrying BCR-ABL fusion or not. Moreover, the novel ERG SNP can be validated in pediatric patients without both BCR-ABL and ETV6-RUNX1 fusion. Our finding suggests the modifying effects of age on genetic predisposition to ALL, and highlights the impact of ERG SNP in Chinese patients.Fusarium wilt (FW) disease is the key constraint to grain legume production worldwide. The projected climate change is likely to exacerbate the current scenario. Of the various plant protection measures, genetic improvement of the disease resistance of crop cultivars remains the most economic, straightforward and environmental-friendly option to mitigate the risk. We begin with a brief recap of the classical genetic efforts that provided first insights into the genetic determinants controlling plant response to different races of FW pathogen in grain legumes. Subsequent technological breakthroughs like sequencing technologies have enhanced our understanding of the genetic basis of both plant resistance and pathogenicity. We present noteworthy examples of targeted improvement of plant resistance using genomics-assisted approaches. In parallel, modern functional genomic tools like RNA-seq are playing a greater role in illuminating the various aspects of plant-pathogen interaction. Further, proteomics and metabolomics have also been leveraged in recent years to reveal molecular players and various signaling pathways and complex networks participating in host-pathogen interaction. Finally, we present a perspective on the challenges and limitations of high-throughput phenotyping and emerging breeding approaches to expeditiously develop FW-resistant cultivars under the changing climate.Drug combination is now a hot research topic in the pharmaceutical industry, but experiment-based methodologies are extremely costly in time and money. Many computational methods have been proposed to address these problems by starting from existing drug combinations. However, in most cases, only molecular structure information is included, which covers too limited a set of drug characteristics to efficiently screen drug combinations. Here, we integrated similarity-based multifeature drug data to improve the prediction accuracy by using the neighbor recommender method combined with ensemble learning algorithms. By conducting feature assessment analysis, we selected the most useful drug features and achieved 0.964 AUC in the ensemble models. The comparison results showed that the ensemble models outperform traditional machine learning algorithms such as support vector machine (SVM), naïve Bayes (NB), and logistic regression (GLM). Furthermore, we predicted 7 candidate drug combinations for a specific drug, paclitaxel, and successfully verified that the two of the predicted combinations have promising effects.Derived from linear (parental) precursor mRNA, circRNA are recycled exons and introns whose ends are ligated. By titrating microRNAs and RNA binding proteins, circRNA interconnect networks of competing endogenous RNAs. Without altering chromosomal DNA, circRNA regulates skeletal muscle development and proliferation, lactation, ovulation, brain development, and responses to infections and metabolic stress. This review integrates emerging knowledge of circRNA activity coming from genome-wide characterizations in many clades of animals. circRNA research addresses one of the main pillars of the One Health vision - to improve the health and productivity of food animals and generate translational knowledge in animal species. has been widely used in the pharmacology industry. To effectively produce the secondary metabolites through suspension cultured cells of , it is important to exploring the full-length transcriptome data and the genes related to cell growth and chemical producing of all culture stages. We applied a combination of Real-Time Sequencing of Single Molecule (SMRT) and second-generation sequencing (SGS) to generate the complete and full-length transcriptome of suspension cultured cells. The transcriptome was formed in way by using PacBio isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq) on a pooled RNA sample derived from 23 samples of 10 culture stages, to explore the potential for capturing full-length transcript isoforms. All unigenes were obtained after splicing, assembling, and clustering, and corrected by the SGS results. The obtained unigenes were compared with the databases, and the functions were annotated and classified. A total of 100,276 high-quality full-length transcripts were obtained, with an average length of 2530 bp and an N50 of 3302 bp.