The patient's right to know his/her clinical information corresponds with the duty of the health care professional, especially the physician responsible for his/her care, to provide it. However, in the case of patients whose life prognosis is limited, this presents several difficulties. Determining the content of this right is complicated because it depends on the circumstances. This favors the conspiracy of silence, the main cause of which can be found in the maintenance of the patient's hope. However, condemning the patient to a false hope prevents him/her from developing a grieving process, that requires renouncing that hope and embracing another undetermined hope of open content. In this work we try to outline the structure of this dialectical process, which can be explained, in narrative terms, through the structure of the heroic myth, which is functional even when the energetic structure of the moral character is missing and which is adjustable for each person.From a post hoc analysis of the ADENI-UCI study (multicenter, observational, cohort, prospective study, with a follow-up period of 13 months, in 62 Intensive Medicine Services in Spain. geographical differences in the reason for denial of income in UCI as a LTSV measure are analyzed. A total of 2284 with an average age of 75.25 (12.45) years were included. 59.43% male. By means of multinominal regression adjusted by age, sex, APACHE and SOFA, was evident (by choosing the northern for reference) that age in the south was a less significantly exposed reason (OR 0.48 (IC95% 0.35-0.65). p.In some countries, particularly Spain, one of the arguments used to justify the legalization of euthanasia is that there is a strong social demand for it. To try to ascertain the truth of this statement, we review different surveys of physicians and the general public, to determine their opinion on whether or not to legalize this practice. We found that the percentage of respondents who approve this practice varies widely from one country to another, with some countries in which approval is close to 80% and others in which it fails to reach even 40%. It has been suggested that this may be because the questions included in the various surveys differ greatly, since not all use the word ″euthanasia″ directly, replacing it with words or phrases of similar meaning. Thus, some respondents may not quite identify them with euthanasia. We conclude that, in the vast majority of countries, there does not seem to be an objective social demand to justify the legalization of euthanasia.Based on the elements that constitute the bases of Western Medicine and a distinction made by Pedro Laín Entralgo from Homeric work, two possible approaches to medical practice are reflected, which could be characterized as ″palliative″ medicine and ″medicine without palliative″. The relationships that these two approaches may have with Philosophy, Ethics and Bioethics are mentioned; the main characteristics and some of the dangers of each one. It shows how the presence, in clinical practice, of palliative care in itself leaves several lessons on the two approaches. It concludes by showing the importance of person-centered medical education with humanistic components. Some ideas are given so that the curricular contents lead to the training of doctors capable of acting with humanism and professionalism, being agents of a cultural change in favor of life.The heteronemertean Kulikovia alborostrata (Takakura, 1898) was originally described as Lineus alborostratus based on material from Misaki, Japan. Although this species was regarded as consisting of two color variants, purple and brown-yellow, the identity of these variants has never been examined based on topotypes. In this study, we performed a multi-locus phylogeny reconstruction, species delimitation analyses, and cross-fertilization experiments to examine the species status of Takakura's original taxon concept consisting of these color variants. Our results suggest that the purple type is identical to Lineus alborostratus Takakura, 1898 auct. (currently Kulikovia alborostrata), whereas the brown-yellow type is conspecific with Lineus fulvus Iwata, 1954, originally established from Hokkaido. These two species appear to have a sister-taxon relationship and are reproductively isolated from each other by prezygotic mechanisms involving gamete incompatibility, minimally separated with 2.8% (16S rRNA) and 14.4% (COI) uncorrected p-distances. We propose that the purple type be considered as representing the true identity of the nominal species Lineus alborostratus (currently assigned to the genus Kulikovia) to maintain the common usage of the name. Although Takakura's type material is not extant, we consider that neotypification is unnecessary in this case because no taxonomic/nomenclatural confusion persists. We also propose to transfer Lineus fulvus to yield Kulikovia fulva comb. nov.The ultrastructural features of axoneme organization within the cytoplasm and exflagellation were investigated in detail in microgametes of a malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei, by electron and fluorescence microscopy. The kinetosomes (basal bodies) of the microgamete were characterized by an electron dense mass in which singlet microtubules (MTs) were embedded. Around the kinetosomes, several singlet and doublet MTs were recognized in transverse sections. Incomplete doublets with growing B-tubule were also observed. As precursors of the axoneme, arrays of over three doublets showed a tendency to encircle the central pair MTs. Some of the doublet MTs were already equipped with inner and outer dynein arms. In the microgamete, which lacks an intraflagellar transport (IFT) system, self-assembly of microtubular and associated components appeared to proceed stepwise from singlet MTs through arrays of one to nine doublet MTs, surrounding the central pair, to form the complete axoneme in a quite short time. At exflagellation, some extra doublets were occasionally included between the axoneme and the flagellar membrane. At high magnification, the outer dynein arm of the Plasmodium microgamete had a pistol-like shape representing a three-headed dynein molecule like that of other Alveolata.