controlling outbreaks. Abnormalities in apoptosis, cell cycle, proliferation, and differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) significantly impact bone metabolism and remodeling, resulting in various skeletal disorders. Long-term exposure to a high dosage of dexamethasone (Dex) induces apoptosis and inhibits the proliferation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), which are probable primary causes of various skeletal disorders. However, to date, the exact mechanisms of action of Dex on hBMSCs have not been fully elucidated. To explore the effects of Dex on apoptosis, cell cycle, proliferation, senescence, osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of hBMSCs at the various exposure times and concentrations, Hoechst 33342/PI staining, flow cytometry, crystal violet assay, β-galactosidase (β-GAL) activity assay, alizarin red S (ARS) staining assay, and Oil Red O (ORO) staining assay were performed. A microarray assay was used to identify differentially expressed lncRNAs and mRNAs in 10  mol/L Dex-treated hBM depended on exposure time and concentration. Continuous exposure to 10  mol/L of Dex for 7 days may be a suitable protocol for inducing the apoptosis of hBMSCs. Under this protocol, differentially expressed lncRNAs and mRNAs associated with apoptosis, cell cycle, and proliferation were identified, providing a new research direction for further studies. In summary, the effect of Dex on apoptosis, cell cycle, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation and adipogenic differentiation of the hBMSCs depended on exposure time and concentration. Continuous exposure to 10-6 mol/L of Dex for 7 days may be a suitable protocol for inducing the apoptosis of hBMSCs. Under this protocol, differentially expressed lncRNAs and mRNAs associated with apoptosis, cell cycle, and proliferation were identified, providing a new research direction for further studies. 2-phenylethanol (2-PE) is a rose-scented flavor and fragrance compound that is used in food, beverages, and personal care products. Compatibility with gasoline also makes it a potential biofuel or fuel additive. A biochemical process converting glucose or other fermentable sugars to 2-PE can potentially provide a more sustainable and economical production route than current methods that use chemical synthesis and/or isolation from plant material. We work toward this goal by engineering the Shikimate and Ehrlich pathways in the stress-tolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus. First, we develop a multigene integration tool that uses CRISPR-Cas9 induced breaks on the genome as a selection for the one-step integration of an insert that encodes one, two, or three gene expression cassettes. Integration of a 5-kbp insert containing three overexpression cassettes successfully occurs with an efficiency of 51 ± 9% at the ABZ1 locus and was used to create a library of K. marxianus CBS 6556 strains with refactored Shikising multi-stress tolerant host for the biosynthesis of 2-PE and other aromatic compounds derived from the Shikimate pathway.Almost every muscle contains muscle spindles. These delicate sensory receptors inform the central nervous system (CNS) about changes in the length of individual muscles and the speed of stretching. With this information, the CNS computes the position and movement of our extremities in space, which is a requirement for motor control, for maintaining posture and for a stable gait. Many neuromuscular diseases affect muscle spindle function contributing, among others, to an unstable gait, frequent falls and ataxic behavior in the affected patients. Nevertheless, muscle spindles are usually ignored during examination and analysis of muscle function and when designing therapeutic strategies for neuromuscular diseases. This review summarizes the development and function of muscle spindles and the changes observed under pathological conditions, in particular in the various forms of muscular dystrophies. Identifying essential genes in genome-wide loss-of-function screens is a critical step in functional genomics and cancer target finding. We previously described the Bayesian Analysis of Gene Essentiality (BAGEL) algorithm for accurate classification of gene essentiality from short hairpin RNA and CRISPR/Cas9 genome-wide genetic screens. We introduce an updated version, BAGEL2, which employs an improved model that offers a greater dynamic range of Bayes Factors, enabling detection of tumor suppressor genes; a multi-target correction that reduces false positives from off-target CRISPR guide RNA; and the implementation of a cross-validation strategy that improves performance ~ 10× over the prior bootstrap resampling approach. We also describe a metric for screen quality at the replicate level and demonstrate how different algorithms handle lower quality data in substantially different ways. BAGEL2 substantially improves the sensitivity, specificity, and performance over BAGEL and establishes the new state of the art in the analysis of CRISPR knockout fitness screens. BAGEL2 is written in Python 3 and source code, along with all supporting files, are available on github ( https// ). BAGEL2 substantially improves the sensitivity, specificity, and performance over BAGEL and establishes the new state of the art in the analysis of CRISPR knockout fitness screens. BAGEL2 is written in Python 3 and source code, along with all supporting files, are available on github ( https// ). We aimed to test our hypothesis that traditional Japanese (Kampo) medicine, hochuekkito (Hochu-ekki-to HET) has a preventive effect for the symptoms on COVID-19. The study is designed as a multi-center, interventional, parallel-group, randomized (11 ratio), investigator sponsored, two-arm study. Six thousand participants will be recruited from healthy hospital workers in 7 Japanese University Hospitals. 1. Age from 20 to 75 years old at the time of registration 2. Asymptomatic and body temperature below 37°C at the time of registration 3. Capable of eating orally Exclusion criteria 1. Previous upper respiratory inflammation due to viral infection (including suspected COVID-19) 2. Taking immunosuppressants 3. Allergic to the Kampo medicines used in this study 4. History of hypokalaemia, severe hypertension, severe liver dysfunction, and interstitial pneumonia 5. Regularly taking other Kampo medicines 6. Pregnant or possibly pregnant 7. Participating in other research 8. Judged to be unsuitable for this study by the doctor in charge INTERVENTION AND COMPARATOR Kampo group participants receive HET in 9 tablets 2 times per day for 8 weeks.