While you might have been at a loss in the past when it comes to purchasing vehicles, there is no need for you to settle for that spot now. You can take control over your purchasing situation, and you can have the right knowledge in your hands. Keep reading to find out more! What can you afford? You have to understand exactly how much money you have every month to not only pay for the car lease, but also insurance, licensing costs, gas, and repairs. Everything must be covered every single month or else you'll have to reduce the amount you have to spend on the car itself. Always negotiate down the sticker price. If you don't do this, then you are literally throwing money out the window. Never pay the sticker price of a vehicle. get inflated on purpose so that the customer can negotiate, so take advantage of that. Don't expect to be in and out of the dealership. The only way to come to a decision that you are comfortable with is to take your time. It is in your best interest to set aside an entire morning or afternoon. You can always come back some other time if you are pressed for time. Consider selling your car privately, rather than trading it in for the new car you want. You will almost always get more for your car through a private sale than you would through a trade in. Even if the dealership makes it sound like they are giving you a great trade in value, they will likely raise the price somewhere else to make up for the difference. When you are considering buying a used car, always have your mechanic check it out first. You are not a qualified mechanic trained to spot problems or repairs, so you need to take it to a professional. Be prepared to pay $100 or so for this service, but it may end up saving you thousands. Never turn over your trade-in keys to the salesperson before the deal is finalized. Some pushy salespeople will hang onto them in an effort to pressure you into hearing them out, even af