" Although students resisted the flipped classroom format change initially, subsequent cohorts came to accept the change. Implications for educators are that although student dissatisfaction increased initially, the inclusion of the flipped classroom format within a course improved students' confidence in their ability to perform.Electronic health record (EHR) implementation is expanding worldwide to achieve the benefits of that technology, but it is reported in the literature as a "disruptive" change to the work environment in which all health-care workers need to be ready for the change, to enhance adoption and harvest the benefits. Jordan has rolled out a national EHR system. This study explored EHR implementation readiness, levels of realizing the benefits of EHR, and adoption among Jordanian nurses, using a self-report questionnaire at nine governmental hospitals in Jordan. A total of 462 registered nurses participated in the study. Results showed that nurses have moderate levels of readiness for EHR implementation, but higher levels of EHR benefits realization and adoption. All health-care workers' readiness for EHR implementation must be assessed regularly before, during, and after EHR implementation. Readiness-based roll-out can be used as a strategy in implementing EHR systems. Introducing a large-scale change management program is recommended to assess readiness, guide roll-out plans, enhance EHR implementation readiness, improve benefits realization, and increase EHR adoption levels, to help move health-care systems into the digital era. Authentic client-centered practice is integral to positive health-care outcomes. This study examined facilitator perspectives of the See Me as a Person (SMAAP) relationship-based health-care curriculum. Qualitative phenomenological interviews were conducted with five facilitators of the SMAAP curriculum. The principal question and sub questions explored the facilitation