Mesothelioma Lawsuit Payouts The severity of your asbestos lung cancer or mesothelioma will affect the amount of settlement. The length of time you have been diagnosed and the number of treatments will also impact the amount of settlement. A lawyer with experience can help you collect evidence and prove your damages. Included are lost wages as well as medical expenses. Statute of limitations The time-limit for asbestos lawsuit payouts is set by each state. The deadlines for asbestos lawsuit payouts can vary and be confusing to understand. However, the key dates to keep in mind are the date of diagnosis for personal injury claims, and the date of death in cases of wrongful death. The "clock" begins at these dates regardless of the amount of asbestos exposure that occurred before the disease is diagnosed. Medical reports and documentation from medical professionals are crucial to establish the date of the statute. The documents should mention the date of each symptom as well as when the individual received their official diagnosis. Additionally, it is important to be aware that an individual may develop multiple symptoms before finally receiving the diagnosis. These additional symptoms could have different onset dates, and therefore a separate statute-of-limitations clock may apply. A person who is diagnosed with mesothelioma or any other cancer related to asbestos exposure, will have to file a new case. This is a simple matter for those who suffer wrongful deaths since the statute of limitations starts at the date of death. For survivors, the statutory timeframe can be suspended or tolled in certain situations, such as when the victim was a minor or had legal incapacitated. It is essential that any potential asbestos plaintiff or their family work with an experienced lawyer who is specialized in mesothelioma cases. A knowledgeable lawyer can ensure that the statute of limitation is met and the most favorable possible outcom