Bifold Door Seal Repair Bifold doors are constructed by combining door panels and track tracks that allow the space to be closed and opened. Over time they can have a few issues that require professional assistance. Inadequate maintenance can cause your bifold door to jam which can lead to hardware issues and stuck-up doors. You can prevent this from happening by Lubricating your bifold doors at least every two weeks. Seals that are degrading Seals on bifold doors can be damaged over time as they are exposed to the weather. This isn't just ugly however, it can also cause water leaks, draughts, and reduce energy efficiency. To help you keep your home dry and warm you must repair any deteriorating seals regularly. A common problem is the leaks coming from the bottom of your bifold door. This should be addressed immediately. The first thing to do is determine where the leak is coming from. There could be a variety of causes and it is therefore important to get your bifold doors checked by a professional. The sill must be sealed correctly to prevent the possibility of a leak. To stop this from happening, the cill has to be damp proofed. The gaps must also be filled with silicone. If the aluminum casing has drainage holes, it is recommended to also fill them with silicone (a professional installer can do this). Another reason for leaks could be that the draughtseal in the interior has worn down and is no longer doing its job to keep the doors shut. A professional can replace the existing seal with a new one to stop air from getting into your home. You should also replace your door's bottom seal in the event that it has damaged or worn out. It's easy to perform, but it should be handled by a professional since they will make use of a top quality replacement that is able to stand up to the demands of daily use. In addition to replacing the seal at the bottom, you should clean the bifold doors on yo