A quote that sums me up is: I’m always behind the scenes, always here…never the star. I’m always the friend…never the guy. Stephanie said: December 27th, 2010 at 2:28 am To James and Everyone else hurting, I know exactally how you feel. I am 25 , have my own house, a great job and am a pretty girl (or so I have been told) But yet I cant find “the one”. I have had 3 pretty serious relationships but they have all ended badly. Its funny to me because I try so hard not to play games like other girls tell me, I try always just to be me . I keep my heart totally open as well but this normally ends in me getting hurt or just used. Yet I am still keeping faith in the fact that there has to be someone out there somewhere for me. I was in a really bad car accident when I was 15 and swore from then on that there must be some purpose for me being here. So what I am saying through all the lines…is keep faith. I fell apart today, but I sucked it up wiped back the tears, turned some music on and told myself that one day …this will all be over. So chin up and you can always email me or fb me if you like. Afterall, we singles can be a team. Karen said: December 27th, 2010 at 7:25 am Hi Stephanie, I removed your email address prior to approving this comment. Reason being is that I don’t want you to get flooded by a ton of emails because this website is very popular, and I have no control over who visits. You seem like a nice girl so if you want, message me and you can set up a fake email address then I will go ahead and let you post it. Otherwise, not a good idea…this is just for security reasons.