ides preliminary evidence that young people's e-cigarette experimentation may be plateauing in UK nations. The extent to which this arises from regulatory changes, or due to a fad having begun to lose its appeal among young people in the UK countries, remains unclear. These trends contrast to those observed in North America, where newer products whose EU market entry and marketing have been impacted by TPD, have gained traction among young people. Long-term monitoring of e-cigarette use trends and perceptions among young people remain vital.High fat, low carbohydrate ketogenic diets (KD) have been in use for the treatment of epilepsy for almost a hundred years. Remarkably, seizures that are resistant to conventional anti-seizure drugs can in many cases be controlled by the KD therapy, and it has been shown that many patients with epilepsy become seizure free even after discontinuation of the diet. These findings suggest that KD combine anti-seizure effects with disease modifying effects. In addition to the treatment of epilepsy, KDs are now widely used for the treatment of a wide range of conditions including weight reduction, diabetes, and cancer. The reason for the success of metabolic therapies is based on the synergism of at least a dozen different mechanisms through which KDs provide beneficial activities. Among the newest findings are epigenetic mechanisms (DNA methylation and histone acetylation) through which KD exerts long-lasting disease modifying effects. Here we review mechanisms through which KD can affect neuroprotection in the brain, and how a combination of those mechanisms with epigenetic alterations can attenuate and possibly reverse the development of epilepsy. The aim of this study was to analyze electroclinical features of a group of patients with West syndrome (WS) who subsequently developed Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) during the transition between both syndromes. A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted of a series of patients diagnosed with WS who developed LGS seen at Hospital de PediatrĂ­a Prof. Dr. JP Garrahan between January 2012 and January 2019. The medical charts of 170 patients with WS were analyzed. In 63 (37 %) of the children WS evolved to LGS. During the transition from WS to LGS four well-defined electroclinical patterns were recognized. The first corresponded to a group of patients with multiple seizure types, including epileptic spasms associated with multifocal paroxysms; the electroclinical pattern in second group showed mainly focal seizures associated with focal discharges in the EEG; the third group showed predominance of epileptic spasms and myoclonic seizures associated with diffuse spike-and-wave and polyspike-and-wave paroxysms; and the remaining group was characterized by a mixed electroclinical pattern including features of the other three groups. All patients had a neuropsychological deficit. Worsening of cognition and behavior was observed during the transition period in 11, 8, and 5 patients of groups 1, 3, and 4, respectively. Our study of the transition period from WS to LGS allowed us to recognize four well-defined electroclinical patterns. The early recognition of the different patterns could, in the future, support a more precocious prognostic evaluation. Our study of the transition period from WS to LGS allowed us to recognize four well-defined electroclinical patterns. The early recognition of the different patterns could, in the future, support a more precocious prognostic evaluation.The Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created an unprecedented economic and public health crisis in the United States. Following efforts to mitigate disease spread, with a significant decline in some regions, many states began reopening their economies. As social distancing guidelines were relaxed and businesses opened, local outbreaks of COVID-19 continue to place person on healthcare systems. Among medical specialties, otolaryngologists and their staff are among the highest at risk for becoming exposed to COVID-19. As otolaryngologists prepare to weather the storm of impending local surges in COVID-19 infections there are several practical measures that can be taken to mitigate the risk to ourselves and our staff. Pulse synchronous tinnitus (PT) is common in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) and in those with sigmoid sinus wall abnormalities (SSWAs). Although patients with SSWAs and IIH share many clinical features, the incidence of SSWAs in patients with IIH and its relationship to PT in this cohort is less well established. The purpose of this study is to assess the incidence of SSWAs in patients with IIH and PT, and to determine if there is an association between SSWAs and PT in this population. Prospective computed tomography (CT) study of adults with IIH. Subjective PT was correlated with presence or absence of SSWAs on CT. 22 subjects were enrolled and 14 subsequently underwent CT. The incidence of SSWAs was significantly higher in subjects with PT than without (70% vs. 0%, p=0.02). Mean age, BMI and opening pressures did not differ between those with and without SSWAs or PT. There is a high incidence of SSWAs in subjects with IIH and PT. These findings support an association between SSWAs and PT, and implicate SSWAs as a possible cause of, or contributing factor to, PT in patients with IIH. Patients with IIH and PT that does not resolve with reducing intracranial pressure should undergo diagnostic CT and consider treatment of a SSWA if present. There is a high incidence of SSWAs in subjects with IIH and PT. These findings support an association between SSWAs and PT, and implicate SSWAs as a possible cause of, or contributing factor to, PT in patients with IIH. Patients with IIH and PT that does not resolve with reducing intracranial pressure should undergo diagnostic CT and consider treatment of a SSWA if present. To assess the safety of using a microdrill in endoscopic vs microscopic stapes surgery. A retrospective review of 29 adult ears with otosclerosis who underwent either an endoscopic or microscopic approach to microdrill stapedotomy. Determine if transcanal endoscopic stapes surgery with the microdrill is as safe as microscopic stapes surgery. Secondary outcome Bone and air pure-tone averages, air-bone gap, speech discrimination, overall surgical cost, and operative time were measured and analyzed. Complications such as post-operative dysgeusia, vertigo, readmission, revision and hearing loss were noted. 29 patients with otosclerosis were retrospectively reviewed, in total 14 endoscopic and 15 microscopic approaches were included, all performed over one-year period. None of the endoscopic surgeries require conversion to the microscope. No statistically significant audiometric differences between the endoscopic vs microscopic approaches in air pure-tone averages and air-bone gap. There were 82.8% air-bone gap closure to <15dB with no significant difference in the percent of such closures between the endoscopic (85.