Also, it has been shown that a decreased basal low -antioxidant capacity correlates with cognitive deficits and negative symptoms, mostly related to glutamate-receptor hypofunction. In addition, atypical antipsychotic drugs seem to show significant antioxidant activity. These factors are critical in order to treat cases of first-onset psychosis effectively. This systematic review indicates the importance that must be given to anti-oxidant defense systems. This systematic review indicates the importance that must be given to anti-oxidant defense systems. The pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia is currently based on the employment of anti-psychotic medications showing an antagonism of dopaminergic and serotoninergic. 20-40% of patients are drug-resistant or residually symptomatic in the long-term anti-psychotic treatment, and new strategies are needed for improving their functional and cognitive impairment. This systematic review summarized the evidence from the literature regarding the newer pharmacological targets proposed for the treatment of psychosis. We included 128 peer-reviewed articles and 5 other relevant sources published from 2002 to 2020 on PubMed EMBASE, The Cochrane Library, Google Scholar. It has extensively described the possible role of glutamate and its receptors as targets of the anti-psychotic mechanism of action. Glutamatergic neurotransmission and NMDA receptors hypofunction are involved in the neurobiological explanatory model of psychosis and possibly targeted for the successful treatment of cognitive and residual symptomsents in the treatment of Schizophrenia, even if more research is needed to approve their clinical employment.Nanotechnology has shown promising advancements in the field of drug development and its delivery. In particular, the applications of nanoparticles for treatment and diagnostics of cancer reached such a precision that it can detect a single cancer cell and can target it to deliver a payload for the treatment of that cancerous cell. Conventional cancer therapy methods have side effects, and diagnostics techniques are time-consuming and expensive. Nanoparticles (NPs) such as polymeric nanoparticles (nanogels, nanofibers, liposomes), metallic nanoparticles such as gold NP (GNPs), sliver NP (AgNP), calcium nanoparticles (CaNPs), carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene, and quantum dots (QDs) have revolutionized cancer diagnostics and treatments due to their high surface charge, size and morphology. Functionalization of these nanoparticles with different biological molecules, such as antibodies, helps them to targeted the delivery and early detection of cancer cells through their plasmon resonance properties. While some of the magnetic properties of nanoparticles such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and carbon NT were also evaluated for detection and treatments of cancer cells. An advanced type of nanoparticles, such as nanobubbles and oxygen-releasing polymers, are helping to address the hypoxia conditions in the cancer microenvironment, while others are employed in photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photothermal therapy (PTT) due to their intrinsic theranostic properties. The green synthesis of nanoparticles has further increased biocompatibility and broadened their applications. In this review paper, we discussed the advancement in nanotechnology and its applications for cancer treatment and diagnostics and highlighted challenges for translation of these advanced nano-based techniques for clinical applications and their green synthesis.Efficacious treatment for breast cancer is still a challenge despite the presence of various treatment options. Aromatase enzyme present in the breast tissue is responsible for estrogen formation from androgens. Aromatase inhibitors manifest remarkably ameliorated therapeutic efficacy as compared to the current therapeutic options available and exhibit a better safety profile as compared to the other drugs. Clinical resistance to aromatase inhibitors is perceived as a lack of growth inhibition by aromatase inhibitors treatment and cancer therapy becomes ineffective in causing a decrease in the size of the tumor. Naturally extracted aromatase inhibitors have a huge positive impact on vitality and living standards. This review article highlights the particulars about the currently approved steroidal and non-steroidal aromatase inhibitors for clinical use, adverse effects associated with their use and approach to tackling the problem, various strategies to overcome aromatase inhibitors resistance, information on the synthesis of various peculiar aromatase inhibitors which can prove as highly efficient and potent drugs in the near future and the drugs of natural and semi-synthetic origin which can demonstrate to be more efficient, potent and less-toxic than conventional therapy. Flavonolignans like silybin, hydnocarpin, and siliandrin are a group of natural compounds combining the structural moieties of flavonoid and phenylpropanoid (lignan). Hydnocarpin and silandrin were less explored because of trace occurrence in nature. The present study aimed to develop a chemical conversion of silybin to hydnocarpin, and siliandrin. Also, a series of amide derivatives would be synthesized and biologically evaluated with regard to their anti-cancer effects. In order to selectively convert silybin to 23-iodo silybin, 23-iodo hydnocarpin D and 23-iodo isosilandrin, the ratio of Ph3P, imidazole and molecular iodine was meticulously adjusted. These three iodide compounds were converted into amide compounds by chemical transformation. MTT method was applied to evaluate their anti-cancer potency. The binding affinity to related proteins was calculated by molecular docking. Totally, 45 new amido-derivatives were synthesized and structurally characterized by NMR and HRMS. Some of them showed mothe treatment of cancer.Eugenol is a bioactive compound widely available in many herbs like clove, cinnamon, tulsi, pepper etc. The compound is known for its antioxidant, antimicrobial, anaesthetic, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer activities. In pharmaceutical analysis, eugenol is used as a marker for single drugs and drug products. Dental care, household, and personal hygiene products are other areas where it has established its potential. In the food industry, eugenol is used as a flavouring agent in non-alcoholic beverages, baked foods, and chewing gums. Considering the huge potential of eugenol, this review is an attempt to collate the regulatory information, physico-chemical properties, toxicity profile, marketed conventional and novel formulations, analytical methods, extraction procedures, recent patents and clinical trials of the moiety. Based on the literature survey, a schematic diagram of the mechanism of action has also been made.