Autocatalytic reaction networks are instrumental for validating scenarios for the emergence of life on Earth and for synthesizing life de novo. Here, we demonstrate that dimeric thioesters of tripeptides with the general structure (Cys-Xxx-Gly-SEt)2 form strongly interconnected autocatalytic reaction networks that predominantly generate macrocyclic peptides up to 69 amino acids long. Some macrocycles of 6-12 amino acids were isolated from the product pool and were characterized by NMR spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray analysis. We studied the autocatalytic formation of macrocycles in a flow reactor in the presence of acrylamide, whose conjugate addition to thiols served as a model "removal" reaction. These results indicate that even not template-assisted autocatalytic production combined with competing removal of molecular species in an open compartment could be a feasible route for selecting functional molecules during the pre-Darwinian stages of molecular evolution.One nucleotide substitution in codon 189 of HLA-C*01020101 results in a novel allele, HLA-C*01179.Rhein is an active component from Chinese herbal medicine. It can cause diarrhea by inhibiting Na+ , K+ -ATPase activity on intestinal epithelial cells, thus decreasing the re-absorption of Na+ from intestinal tract to blood. However, when this Na+ , K+ -ATPase inhibition was quantitated by a colorimetric method that measures ATPase-catalyzed release of inorganic phosphorus, the data obtained were inconsistent and showed great variation. We developed a novel method using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to quantitate the amount of intracellular Rb+ . This method largely mimics the 86 RbCl tracer flux assay, but it uses non-radioactive RbCl as a flux substrate. The results demonstrated that this method has better precision and accuracy than the conventional colorimetric method. More importantly, this method is free from radioacti