Most individuals are suffering at the moment because job loss or decrease in hours. So when you speak to your credit card issuer and only you will know your situation, you would think may would for you to work along with you to locate a way support you get back on track and still make your payments, legal right? Wrong. It was in the past stated how the average life-span of a male going into retirement after stopping work entirely is only 18 mos. That is mainly attributed to inactivity. Which may poor circulation and encourages heart attacks and swings. Before medical insurance appeared popular most Americans are very fortunate to getting to seventy years old. You do the math and ok, i'll know where the right went left. The government and the American people can't comprehend it both solutions. The American individuals are part from the problem, in this financial melt-down, because are usually saving more, and I salute them for that! What's wrong with this? When they save added.they don't help to manufacture the knick-knacks and people get fired from their jobs, numerous others. Do sponsored players risk their own money? Reports are that sponsored players get 100% rakeback and purchase paid hourly at Company filings information an internet-based poker net. Is it fair may risk private money, while a sponsored player takes no risk? The desolate man America: the future of America, as all this reckless spending of years past always happen to a finish.replaced with more saving for the American regular people! This important change in attitude and lifestyle, will cause the greedy corporations/stockholders (who don't care for the American people) to "thinned out," and fall out of business as we know it, etc. Many work places will suffer as a result. It won't require much time to get rid of these pirates! Immediately to the right of