In Uganda, as in many other low- and middle-income countries, screening for gestational diabetes mellitus is suboptimal and is rarely embedded in routine antenatal care. We describe the experiences of women in Uganda who underwent screening for gestational diabetes mellitus and were diagnosed with the condition as they navigate both the reaction of family members and their interaction with health workers. Pregnant women aged 18 years or older and between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation were enrolled from the antenatal clinics at one of the five hospitals between 13 June 2018 and 31 October 2019. Ten women with gestational diabetes mellitus, ten family members and six health workers were purposively selected to take part. Interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect data on the socio-cultural and health system factors that influence timely screening and effective management of gestational diabetes mellitus in Uganda. Data were analysed thematically. Women generally reflected on the importancening and management programmes. Our findings highlight the need to understand the perceptions and emotions that accompany a gestational diabetes mellitus diagnosis to best support women and their family members. An improved recognition of these factors can inform the development of effective gestational diabetes mellitus screening and management programmes. Treprostinil is a prostacyclin analog used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. Dosing is empiric and based on tolerability. Adverse effects are common and can affect treatment persistence. Pharmacogenomic variants that may affect treprostinil metabolism and transport have not been well-characterized. We aimed to investigate the pharmacogenomic sources of variability in treatment persistence and dosing. Patients were prospectively recruited from an IRB approved biobank registry at a single pulmonary hypertension center. A cohort of patients who received oral trep