When you buy a car, do you just go to a lot and pray? That isn't much of a strategy, is it? Instead, give yourself the power to get what you deserve by reading this article and taking in the expert advice provided, allowing you to take over the negotiation process. When buying a car, you need to understand what you require. Have you taken a good look at your budget? How many people are you going to transport? Is fuel economy a particular concern? Do you want a four door vehicle or something a bit smaller? You should make a list of all the features you are looking for, and bring it with you when you go shopping for a new car. Make sure that you have your loan in place beforehand. When you get a car loan at the dealership, it can take a really long time. The car shopping process will be much easier and faster by having a loan ready. Do not make the mistake of focusing on only the monthly payment amount when you are car shopping. This can cause you to buy a more expensive car than you can really afford. You need to focus on the total cost of the vehicle itself and whether that is a good deal. Rather than buying a brand-new car, purchase a lightly used one that is only a couple of years old. Many cars come with transferable warranties that last for three years or 36,000 miles. You will save a significant amount over buying new, and the warranty will give you peace of mind for the first year or so. If you are going to be purchasing a used car, one of the top things you should be looking at is the mileage of the car. As nice as a car may be, if it has 150,000 miles on it already, you probably will not get much use out of it. Do not wait until you go car shopping to think about how you are going to finance your car. You need to arrive at the dealership with your car loan pre-qualified at a decent interest rate. You are almost always going to be able to get a bet