The Wnt pathway is an integral cell-to-cell signaling hub which regulates crucial development processes and maintenance of tissue homeostasis by coordinating cell proliferation, differentiation, cell polarity, cell movement, and stem cell renewal. When dysregulated, it is associated with various developmental diseases, fibrosis, and tumorigenesis. We now better appreciate the complexity and crosstalk of the Wnt pathway with other signaling cascades. Emerging roles of the Wnt signaling in the cancer stem cell niche and drug resistance have led to development of therapeutics specifically targeting various Wnt components, with some agents currently in clinical trials. This review highlights historical and recent findings on key mediators of Wnt signaling and how they impact antitumor immunity and maintenance of cancer stem cells. This review also examines current therapeutics being developed that modulate Wnt signaling in cancer and discusses potential shortcomings associated with available therapeutics.Machine learning algorithms can learn mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance from the data of DNA sequence without any a priori information. Interpreting a trained machine learning algorithm can be exploited for validating the model and obtaining new information about resistance mechanisms. Different feature extraction methods, such as SNP calling and counting nucleotide k-mers have been proposed for presenting DNA sequences to the model. However, there are trade-offs between interpretability, computational complexity and accuracy for different feature extraction methods. In this study, we have proposed a new feature extraction method, counting amino acid k-mers or oligopeptides, which provides easier model interpretation compared to counting nucleotide k-mers and reaches the same or even better accuracy in comparison with different methods. Additionally, we have trained machine learning algorithms using different featur