The associations between client satisfaction and veterinarian mental health measures were non-linear and complex; in several of the models, relatively higher client satisfaction was unexpectedly associated with poor veterinarian mental health states, while lower client satisfaction was associated with mental health scores suggesting wellness. Given that client satisfaction may impact client adherence to medical recommendations, client loyalty, and business income, the association with veterinarian mental health may have broad implications and warrants further investigation. Copyright © 2020 Perret, Best, Coe, Greer, Khosa and Jones-Bitton.While grazing lands can offer a diverse range of forages, individuals within herds prefer to graze some habitats and not others. They can have consistent differences in grazing patterns and occupy specific spatial domains, whilst developing tactics and strategies for foraging that are specific to their grazing personalities. In this review, we explore the development of our understanding of grazing personalities, as we move away from the search for an "optimal animal" toward designing behavior-customized herds with an arrangement of individual grazing personalities that enhance ecosystem services and productivity. We present a "grazing personality model" that accounts for the personality of individual animals and for collective behaviors of herds. We argue that grazing personalities of grazing ruminants and other large herbivores are in part genetically determined, and that they can act at the individual and collective level. The social and biophysical environments as well as the emotional state of animals regulate the expression of "grazing genes" that are observed phenotypically as distinct grazing personalities. The reproductive and sexual successes of individuals and herds filter for allele variants of grazing genes and in turn determines their relative frequency. While the selection of one grazing personality may be adequate for homogeneous pastoral systems, the design of herds with a range of grazing personalities that are matched to the habitat diversity may be a better approach to improving the distribution of grazing animals, enhancing ecosystem services, and maximizing productivity. Copyright © 2020 Moreno García, Maxwell, Hickford and Gregorini.Transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels are involved in the regulation of cardiac function under (patho)physiological conditions and are closely associated with the pathogenesis of cardiac hypertrophy, arrhythmias, and myocardial infarction. Understanding the molecular mechanisms and the regulatory pathway/locus of TRPC channels in related heart diseases will provide potential new concepts for designing novel drugs targeting TRPC channels. We will present the properties and regulation of TRPC channels and their roles in the development of various forms of heart disease. This article provides a brief review on the role of TRPC channels in the regulation of myocardial function as well as how TRPC channels may serve as a therapeutic target in heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation. Copyright © 2020 Wen, Gwathmey and Xie.Adipose tissue plays essential roles in maintaining lipid and glucose homeostasis. To date several types of adipose tissue have been identified, namely white, brown, and beige, that reside in various specific anatomical locations throughout the body. The cellular composition, secretome, and location of these adipose depots define their function in health and metabolic disease. In obesity, adipose tissue becomes dysfunctional, promoting a pro-inflammatory, hyperlipidemic and insulin resistant environment that contributes to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Concurrently, similar features that result from adipose tissue dysfunction also promote cardiovascular disease (CVD) by mechanisms that can be augmented by T2DM. The mechanisms by which dysfunctional adipose tissue simultaneously promote T2DM and CVD, focusing on adipose tissue depot-specific adipokines, inflammatory profiles, and metabolism, will be the focus of this review. The impact that various T2DM and CVD treatment strategies have on adipose tissue function and body weight also will be discussed. Copyright © 2020 Chait and den Hartigh.Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging is an important tool for the non-invasive assessment of cardiovascular disease. However, CMR suffers from long acquisition times due to the need of obtaining images with high temporal and spatial resolution, different contrasts, and/or whole-heart coverage. In addition, both cardiac and respiratory-induced motion of the heart during the acquisition need to be accounted for, further increasing the scan time. Several undersampling reconstruction techniques have been proposed during the last decades to speed up CMR acquisition. These techniques rely on acquiring less data than needed and estimating the non-acquired data exploiting some sort of prior information. Parallel imaging and compressed sensing undersampling reconstruction techniques have revolutionized the field, enabling 2- to 3-fold scan time accelerations to become standard in clinical practice. Recent scientific advances in CMR reconstruction hinge on the thriving field of artificial intelligence. Machine learsensing and low-rank reconstruction are briefly summarized, while a greater focus is given to recent advances in dictionary learning and deep learning based CMR reconstruction. In particular, approaches that exploit neural networks as implicit or explicit priors are discussed for 2D dynamic cardiac imaging and 3D whole-heart CMR imaging. Current limitations, challenges, and potential future directions of these techniques are also discussed. Copyright © 2020 Bustin, Fuin, Botnar and Prieto.Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern worldwide and consequently metabolomic tools are being applied increasingly in efforts aimed at identifying new antimicrobial compounds. Marine bacteria-derived compounds have shown great promise in this area. A metabolomics-based study was undertaken to study the diversity of secondary metabolites from marine sediment bacteria isolated from different locations of Hawai'i and Puerto Rico. This effort included characterizing the biodiversity in the sediment samples and searching for antibacterial activity and associated compounds. Bacterial strains were isolated using several different nutrient agars and culture conditions. DNA sequencing (16s rDNA) was used for phylogenetic characterization. Antibacterial activity was assessed against antibiotic-resistant strains of Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus faecalis. Ethyl acetate extracted bacterial secondary metabolites were measured by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, processed in Progenesis QI and further analyzed by partial least squares-discriminant analysis using MetaboAnalyst 3.