We anticipate the proposed shape features to be found beneficial in the domains of language, music and associated pathologies, in which variability of HG morphology has previously been established.There is evidence that cochlear MR signal intensity may be useful in prognosticating the risk of hearing loss after middle cranial fossa (MCF) resection of acoustic neuroma (AN), but the manual segmentation of this structure is difficult and prone to error. This hampers both large-scale retrospective studies and routine clinical use of this information. To address this issue, we present a fully automatic method that permits the segmentation of the intra-cochlear anatomy in MR images, which uses a weighted active shape model we have developed and validated to segment the intra-cochlear anatomy in CT images. We take advantage of a dataset for which both CT and MR images are available to validate our method on 132 ears in 66 high-resolution T2-weighted MR images. Using the CT segmentation as ground truth, we achieve a mean Dice (DSC) value of 0.81 and 0.79 for the scala tympani (ST) and the scala vestibuli (SV), which are the two main intracochlear structures.Clinical Relevance- The proposed method is accurate and fully automated for MR image segmentation. It can be used to support large retrospective studies that explore relations between MR signal in preoperative images and outcomes. It can also facilitate the routine and clinical use of this information.Accurate identification of anatomical landmarks is a crucial step in medical image analysis. While deep neural networks have shown impressive performance on computer vision tasks, they rely on a large amount of data, which is often not available. In this work, we propose an attention-driven end-to-end deep learning architecture, which learns the local appearance and global context separately that helps in stable training under limited data. The experiments conducted demonstr