The estimation of external joint moments is useful for a general statement about the peak in the first half of stance or for the maximal loading. Nevertheless, when investigating diseases as valgus malalignment, the estimation of lateral knee joint contact forces is necessary for clinical decision making because external joint moments could not predict the lateral knee joint loading sufficient enough. Dependent on the clinical question, either estimating the external joint moments by inverse dynamics or internal joint contact forces by musculoskeletal modeling should be used. In biomedicine, inferring causal relation from experimental intervention or perturbation is believed to be a more reliable approach than inferring causation from cross-sectional correlation. However, we point out here that even in interventional inference there are logical traps. In homeostatic systems, causality in a steady state can be qualitatively different from that in a perturbed state. On a broader scale there is a need to differentiate driver causality from navigator causality. A driver is essential for reaching a destination but may not have any role in deciding the destination. A navigator on the other hand has a role in deciding the destination and the path but may not be able to drive the system to the destination. The failure to differentiate between types of causalities is likely to have resulted into many misinterpretations in physiology and biomedicine. We illustrate this by critically re-examining a specific case of the causal role of insulin in glucose homeostasis using five different apmine causal inferences from perturbation experiments and set up revised norms for experimental design for causal inference. All the approaches converge on the inference that although insulin action hastens the return to a steady state after a glucose load, there is no evidence that insulin action determines the steady state level of glucose