"; echo"string1 is:".$str1."

"; echo"string2 is:".$str2."

"; $len=strlen($str1); echo"The length of str1 is:".$len."
"; $word_count=str_word_count($str1); echo"
the total words of str1 is:".$word_count; $capitalize=ucwords($str1); echo"

the uppercase of each wors is:".$capitalize; $upper=strtoupper($str1); echo"

the upppercase of string is:".$upper; $reverse=strrev($str1); echo"

The reverse ofstring is:".$reverse; $compare=strcmp($str1,$str2); echo"

the comparision of str1 and str2 is".$compare; $repeate=str_repeat($str1,3); echo"

".$repeate; ?> Simple Calculator

Simple Calculator

First Number :

Second Number :

Result :